Tomorrow belongs to us: what awaits you in episode 1714 of Monday June 24, 2024 [SPOILERS] – News Series on TV

Tomorrow belongs to us: what awaits you in episode 1714 of Monday June 24, 2024 [SPOILERS] – News Series on TV
Tomorrow belongs to us: what awaits you in episode 1714 of Monday June 24, 2024 [SPOILERS] – News Series on TV

In the next episode of “Tomorrow Belongs to Us”… After her attack, Audrey no longer remembers anything. Rayane pays the consequences of her actions. The Star Academy is present to celebrate the opening of La paillote.

Warning, the following paragraphs contain spoilers for the episode of Tomorrow Belongs to Us broadcast Monday evening on TF1! If you’d rather not know, don’t read on.

Monday June 24 in Tomorrow Belongs to Us…

Audrey lies to the police

After finding Audrey unconscious in her father’s garage, Bastien called emergency services to have her taken to hospital. On site, William informs Audrey and Damien that the hematoma located at the back of his head is impressive, but that it is healing. Audrey will be kept under observation all day as a precaution. Once alone with her husband, Audrey admits that she sees herself arriving at the garage, getting out of her car and then… nothing. Damien thinks she just had a bad fall.

Meanwhile, Bastien is questioned by Sara at the police station. The teenager is worried because he has not heard from his father since the evening before, which is not at all his habit. He confides to the police officer that his father was spending the evening with his new girlfriend, whose identity he does not know. Sara thinks that John didn’t see the time passing. She suggests Bastien go home and keep them informed.

At John’s garage, the PTS takes care of taking readings. Georges and Damien put forward a hypothesis in view of the traces of blood: the attacker had a first victim, then was cleaning up the blood when Audrey appeared. Having become an embarrassing witness, she was in turn attacked by the assailant. However, Damien notices a strange detail: Audrey told him a little earlier that she came to the garage by car, but there is no trace of the vehicle…

At the police station, Sara, Georges and Damien take stock of the investigation. Two avenues are considered. The first is that John was attacked by an assailant, who then attacked Audrey. The second is that John is the attacker. But Damien doesn’t see why John would attack his wife. The police must wait for the results of the blood analyzes found in the garage to draw conclusions.

For her part, Roxane studies the fadettes on John’s phone in order to identify his girlfriend. However, the only number that comes up every day is Bastien’s. Sara assumes that if this is a recent relationship, John’s girlfriend may be a client of his. Roxane looks into this.

At the Spoon, Damien has a drink with Philippine and Violette. The latter is very worried about Bastien. Damien confides to him that he risks being placed in a shelter if John cannot be found. Violette then suggests hosting him, but his mother is not very keen. However, she promises to inquire to find a solution if necessary.

At the police station, Sara receives a call from a customer of John’s garage claiming to have seen the latter arguing with Audrey four days earlier. Georges then checks John’s schedule and discovers that Audrey’s meeting from the day before is not mentioned there. Damien joins his colleagues. He offers to accompany Sara to the hospital to question Audrey.

On site, Audrey explains that she wanted to have her car checked for fear of having a problem with her brake pads. She confirms that she argued with John before because she didn’t approve of him selling Jordan a motorcycle. Sara then offers to accompany Audrey home to question the young man.

At the Roussels, Sara asks Jordan if he has recently been in contact with John. Behind the policewoman’s back, Audrey tells her son to answer in the affirmative. Jordan therefore gets into the game, telling Sara that John wanted to sell him a motorcycle, but that the matter stopped there because his mother was against it. Having the information she needed, Sara leaves. Jordan then turns to Audrey, demanding to know why she asked him to lie to the police…

Rayane assumes the consequences of her actions

At her office, Raphaëlle informs Rayane that she plans to obtain TIG for him. So, if he stays clean afterwards, his criminal record will be clean in 5 years. She also wrote a letter to the Academy so that he could take his baccalaureate exams in September. She therefore hopes that Rayane proves to her that she did not do all this for nothing. The teenager commits to taking control of his life.

At high school, Rayane approaches Jack to find out news about Audrey. He takes the opportunity to apologize to his ex, saying he didn’t mean a word of what he said to her during their breakup. Jack admits that Damien explained to him that he was trying to protect him from Bonello. Unfortunately, the damage is done and it is not possible to give up so easily.

The Star Ac’ sets the hut on fire

At the Spoon, Charles announces to Victor and Timothée that he has managed to convince Star Academy candidates Candice and Victorien to put on a show for the opening of the hut. Victor is impressed that they freed themselves overnight for such an event. Charles reveals that he has been in negotiations with the candidates since purchasing the hut.

Charles then goes to the hut to supervise the preparation of the opening. Rachel reassures him and offers to take care of the advertising on social networks. She takes the opportunity to take a selfie next to him and post it.

A little later, Victorien and Candice arrive to do the scales. For her part, Rachel welcomes Timothée and gets to know him. Gradually, many customers arrive. On stage, Victorien and Candice perform their anthem, “I will go after my dreams“. The show is a success. Victor announces to Charles that he has indeed landed the position of manager of the hut.



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