Julien Cohen: a possible return in Affaire Conclue? It ends the suspense

Julien Cohen: a possible return in Affaire Conclue? It ends the suspense
Julien Cohen: a possible return in Affaire Conclue? It ends the suspense

He was one of the leading faces ofDeal Done ( 2). From 2017 to 2021, Julien Cohen participates in the program then presented by Sophie Davantuntil Julia Vignali succeeded him in August 2023. After four years of participation, the buyer made the decision to say goodbye to the show. Julien Cohen then spoke to discuss his departure during an interview with Courrier Picard.

This is the end clap. I filmed 1,557 shows, I saw 7,204 people presenting me with objects, I bought 1,813, I participated in 330 days of filming in four and a half years, three then four and up to six shows per day“, he declared.

Deal Done: Could Julien Cohen make his comeback? He responds

Despite his departure, Julien Cohen remained in the hearts of many viewers. The buyer is, however, on another television project, as revealed by our colleagues at Puremédias. On September 25, Julien Cohen began filming a show called The kings of packages for the chain 6ter. This is an adaptation of the German format Return Masters, and will feature three pairs of buyers. Through different tests, they will choose blindly, among thousands of packages scattered in a hangar, those that they consider to be the most interesting.

Despite this new adventure, Julien Cohen could he one day make his return in Affaire Conclue? For the main person concerned, everything seems very clear. “I have some affinities with Caroline Pons, who is a friend of mine, and with Clément Anger. These are the two people I stayed in contact with. But once I’ve done something and moved on to something else, I never go back to it. When you make 1500, it’s because you want to please some people other than yourself.“, he confides during an interview with TéléLoisirs.




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