Jean-Baptiste Andrea, Franck Thilliez, Catherine Meurisse… The world of books is mobilizing “against the extreme right”

Jean-Baptiste Andrea, Franck Thilliez, Catherine Meurisse… The world of books is mobilizing “against the extreme right”
Jean-Baptiste Andrea, Franck Thilliez, Catherine Meurisse… The world of books is mobilizing “against the extreme right”

In an online petition, writers, comic book authors and publishers invite voters “to raise their voice with determination” against the national rally.

The winner of the latest Goncourt Prize, Jean-Baptiste Andrea, and other writers launched a petition on Monday June 17 on the website where they are calling for votes. “against the extreme right” during early legislative elections. More than a thousand signatures have already been recorded.

We, actresses and players in the world of books, are driven by values ​​of sharing, transmission, mediation(…). We defend nuance in the face of excess, that which unites rather than that which divides, that which opens the future rather than that which obscures it. we read in this petition. Before calling “ all those who recognize themselves in these values ​​to mobilize and raise their voice with determination against the extreme right. On June 30 and July 7, we call to vote and block the National Rally”.

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The author of detective novels Franck Thilliez finds himself alongside Madeleine Riffaud, 99 years old, former resistance fighter, or even comic book authors like Catherine Meurisse, Jul, Louison or Jean-David Morvan. In the world of publishing, Sophie de Closets (Flammarion), Charlotte and Laure Gallimard (Madrigall), the former Minister of Culture Françoise Nyssen (Actes Sud) and Jean-Luc Fromental (Denoël Graphic) are also among the first signatories. “We want to be able to continue to offer works in complete freedom, from all backgrounds, conveying a great diversity of thoughts and discourse”they write.

Beyond the world of books, the world of culture is mobilizing globally to counter the far right. Like a column for the union of the left, published online ( and relayed by the newspaper’s website The world, the day after the announcement of the early legislative elections. “We have less than three weeks left to prevent the far right from ruling the country,” launched among others the designer Pénélope Bagieux, the actress Ariane Ascaride, the author Marie Darrieussecq and the author Hervé Le Tellier.



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