Injuries on “Survivor Quebec:” what we didn’t see on TV

Injuries on “Survivor Quebec:” what we didn’t see on TV
Injuries on “Survivor Quebec:” what we didn’t see on TV

This year at Survivor Quebec, we saw several players being taken care of by the assigned doctor and his team.

First there was the departure of a candidate on the first day following a reaction to a vaccine, then the intoxication, which was, according to the main person concerned, minimized for TV. But, as the season progressed, many candidates had to visit the infirmary for different reasons.

If we were able to see Déborah returning from a meeting with the doctor after being bitten by a fish (“ I had to come back to see the paramedic every 15 minutes for an hour to make sure it wasn’t a snake bite or something venomous ”, she confided to us), she told us that she had other problems not reported on TV.

At one point I was looking for immunity. Sebastian gave me the clue. I thought I was in the right place. I didn’t dare go get the shovel, so I dug with my bare hands. I found myself in brambles. I had black thorns in my fingers. I went to have the thorns removed. To this day, I have a little bit of thorns in one finger, when I press hard, I feel it. »

She recounts another mishap with vegetation. “ At one point I’m in a tree and jumping into the leaves. I fall into thorns again. They went through my shoes. They ended up in my soles. I had to go to the infirmary, take off my shoes, disinfect my feet. They had to remove the thorns with pliers because with bare hands they could not be removed because they were so deeply embedded. Nabil also had this. He was with me that day. He had to have the thorns removed from his foot despite his shoes. »

Déborah also had a difficult time after the ordeal of the grids in the water.

I lost consciousness and then fell into a little hypothermia.

I remember that I felt a little unwell and I said to myself that I would have to see myself on TV to remember, because I felt like I had a little black hole. I didn’t remember what happened when I got my head out of the water. I just remember when I’m next to the doctor with the paddleboard and I’m walking in the water and I see myself saying, “I’m cold, I’m really cold” and my teeth are chattering. I remember that little passage. It was on TV that I was able to see what was happening during my black hole. »

We will also remember that Marilou had a health problem which had not been shown on TV (more details here), but as Survivor is also not on call 24/7, we can understand that the attention is placed on strategies rather than on player injuries.



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