Marie (Married at First Sight) makes revelations about Jérémy’s behavior off-camera

Marie (Married at First Sight) makes revelations about Jérémy’s behavior off-camera
Marie (Married at First Sight) makes revelations about Jérémy’s behavior off-camera

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It was a story that started well. By saying “yes” to Jérémy, in front of the altar of the botanical garden of Gibraltar, Marie was far from imagining that her romance, although promising, would turn so much into a nightmare. In the last episode of Married at first sight, the young woman went alone to the end-of-experience assessment with the experts. And for good reason, the day before this meeting, a violent argument broke out between the two spouses, thus pushing the 35-year-old barista to hastily leave her partner’s home. Deeply shocked by this situation, Marie was even more so when Gilbert Bou Jaoudé and Estelle Dossin announced to her that Jérémy had made the decision to divorce. If the young woman’s incomprehension is so significant, it is because nothing suggested such a turnaround in the situation, as she explained to our colleagues at Parisian.

Married (Married at first sight) remembers the beginnings of his relationship with Jérémy

Fans of the show remember: Marie almost canceled her marriage to Jérémy. After being reassured by Estelle Dossin, the young woman decided to take the plunge. By granting an interview to Le Parisien, Marie remembered the tender beginnings of her relationship with Jérémy: “I don’t feel anything negative from him even though I have a keen sense of my romantic disappointments. He sought physical contact all the time, we were very close, lots of kisses.“And these little attentions lasted until the day before the famous assessment:”Nothing could have predicted his change in behavior the night before the assessment. An hour before I joined him at his house, he said to me: ‘I can’t wait for you to be there, for us to take the train together tomorrow.’

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Married (Married at first sight) evokes a sequence which was not broadcast in the program

This is a question that all viewers of Married at first sight asked themselves: “Didn’t Marie see anything coming?“Facing our colleagues from Parisianthe young woman confided: “We had an interview with Estelle which was not broadcast. He said that everything was perfect, that nothing was a problem, neither the distance nor the timetable and that you just had to organize yourself well. Until the last moment, he was ultra-reassuring and the images are there to show that we didn’t stop kissing for a month.“Before adding:”Jérémy changed his gaze which became black, his face was very closed, very hard and he said horrible things to me. I thought, ‘What is actually going on? Give me back my husband!’ […] I opened a door for him, asking him what was wrong and he broke it down by unpacking everything negative he thought about me.

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias.

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