Waly Dia attacks Sibyle Veil on France Inter

Waly Dia attacks Sibyle Veil on France Inter
Waly Dia attacks Sibyle Veil on France Inter

Waly Dia on the set of France Inter’s “Grand Dimanche Soir”.
Screenshot / France Inter YouTube channel.

This Sunday, June 2, the comedian from France Inter attacked the boss of Radio France in “Le Grand Dimanche Soir”. In his diatribe, he mentioned the Guillaume Meurice affair.

It was on the set of Charline Vanhoenacker’s “Grand Dimanche Soir”, reduced by half, that Waly Dia settled his scores. In his column, the comedian returned to the decisions concerning Guillaume Meurice, his opinion on the management of France Inter, the existing links between his superiors and former politicians and even the intervention of Benyamin Netanyahu on French television.

“There is hardly anyone left around the table, the only place where there are so many people leaving is in Prisca Thevenot’s office”begins Waly Dia. “The last time I came, we learned that the show had gained 50% more audience, a month later there were 50% fewer shows.” He notes that “Le Grand Dimanche Soir” is “the only show where the more it works, the less you hear it”.

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Waly Dia continues by mentioning Guillaume Meurice, still awaiting a decision from the Radio France group concerning his dismissal after a joke about Benjamin Netanyahu. “He’s the comedian we talk about the most at the moment,” relieves Dia. “Yet there are some who are accused of rape, but no, it’s him we’re talking about!”

And to attack his boss. “If the complaints are closed, why does Sibyle Veil, the president of Radio France, a state radio station, decide to disregard a court decision?”asks Waly Dia before discussing the latter’s links with the French political environment. “I saw that for three years she had been an advisor to Nicolas Sarkozy »he adds, smiling. “She learned magic from Dumbledore, I want to say. (…) For her, a prosecutor or a ball boy at Roland-Garros is kif-kif”he assures to the laughter of the audience. “In fashion Trump: I agree with justice as long as it agrees with me!”

“I’m tired of being shit on by servile enarques”

Waly Dia on France Inter

Waly Dia then discusses the interview with Benyamin Netanyahu on LCI on May 30. “In France, it’s crazy, you are under arrest warrant for war crimes, you can be invited to a news show”he emphasizes. “On the other hand, if you make a joke about this war criminal, you are banned from the radio!” “I am convinced that the lady’s plan is to free us”he adds, laughing about Sibyle Veil. “So the fact that everyone is leaving, I don’t know if it’s the right strategy to piss off management!” He then quips: “If we leave without her having to make any effort, then she’ll make the champagne pop!”

After these jokes, Waly Dia ends his remarks on a more serious note: “I’m tired of being shit on by servile enarques who don’t care about doing anything productive once they leave their schools to make pests”he asserts on the set, struggling to drown out the applause. “If you want me to stop yapping into this microphone, you’re going to have to come and take it away.”

At his side, Charline Vanhoenacker clarifies her position after this column: “I think the message has gotten through, they know the way to remove the microphone, I assure you”she says. “Thank you Waly, I would like to remind the judicial police and the presidency that I do not reread the texts, perhaps that will save me a little visit tomorrow!”



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