Greater Narbonne Book Fair: author confidences, chapter I

The Belgian Instagrammer François Coune, the head of the unsolved affairs division Marie-Laure Brunel-Dupin associated with the essayist and writer Valérie Péronnet, but also Luana and Alessandro Belmondo talk about their books.

Under the banner of Cajelice, a stationery bookstore in Perpignan, authors are having fun. Everyone takes advantage of the ideal Narbonnais weather and the smiles of the readers following one another for a dedication, a privileged synopsis, a photo with the one who keeps them in suspense or delights their palates.

Two volumes on Mina Lacan, profiler, have already been released.

Among the feathers, there is first this duo of women. One is head of the unsolved cases division, the other is an essayist and writer. The two volumes on Mina Lacan, profiler, Marie-Laure Brunel-Dupin and Valérie Péronnet did not write them jointly but the writing is two-headed. “A co-construction based on real investigations of Marie-Laure’s career transformed, disguised so as not to recognize either the businesses or the people”, explains Valérie. From the first to the last line, the secrecy of the instruction is complete, the duty of reserve respected. “We choose the cases together and Valérie’s talent submits them to me”, adds the division head. The connection between these two characters was made thanks to an article that the former journalist wrote about the other’s unusual profession. In these two volumes, we finally find the modesty that is so lacking in the judicial system. And it’s not over since three others will come out to reveal even more Valérie’s writing, not necessarily oriented towards crime fiction. Throughout the pages, she takes the reader on the journey of Mina, the alias of Marie-Laure, confronted with the most horrible things in humanity. “With this very sincere desire to take down the bad guys…”concludes the essayist.

Alessandro and Luana Belmondo, a delicious legacy.

Mother and son are side by side under the marquee. Luana and Alessandro defend their Nostra Italia, a gourmet itinerary in Belmondo Italy. Together, they embarked on a culinary journey where their memories mingle. What emerges are culinary traditions and the transmission of passion. For Alessandro, “It started when I was little. Mom always cooked”. Jean-Paul’s grandson repeats this education in tastes over and over again to his teams at Caillebotte, a gourmet bistro of which he has been chef for five years in the IXe district of Paris. Thanks to his fifteen years of judo and his black belt, Alessandro stays in shape, despite his appetite: “Mom passed it on to me from the nonna. From generation to generation, these tastes are passed down. And as she is in turn the nonna of Mahé, my son, we perpetuate the story. In addition, my wife is Armenian and cooks very well.”

The most famous wordsmith on Instagram.
The most famous wordsmith on Instagram.

Further on, we find the word deliverer, influencer on the Instagram page @Livraisondemots, François Coune. The young man is a celebrity in Belgium. In Narbonne, he chats quietly with his neighbor author and two young girls. Obviously verbose, this enthusiast of the arts and of life in short, is behind his first book: “Et si on se librai des mots”. In turn, for L’Indépendant, he reveals: “It makes me feel good to be at a show because it happens with real people. I needed it, in fact I’m going to enjoy the literary breakfast this Sunday, May 26, from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Social networks and books, we can’t imagine the two together, but telling myself that I can bring people together through this passion, I tell myself that it’s a good means of communication.” As a child, François wanted to be a press officer, not an author. He wanted shade, the one who always loved the light and secretly dreamed of fame. “I never thought I would do this, but I have always loved music, been in contact with show business. In Belgium, I am a radio and TV columnist on RTL, but I still have plenty dreams and desires for other things like being on stage. It will remain in creation.

Authors like these full of stories, lives, words, there are around a hundred at the Greater Narbonne book fair. They are there, in real life and in feathers, for some until this Sunday, May 26.



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