Who is hiding under the Snowflake, the mystery investigator’s costume? Here are the clues

Who is hiding under the Snowflake, the mystery investigator’s costume? Here are the clues
Who is hiding under the Snowflake, the mystery investigator’s costume? Here are the clues

“It’s next week’s surprise.” Every Friday evening, Mask Singer takes place on TF1 for a new episode rich in unexpected moments, presented by Camille Combal. It is also and above all an opportunity for Laurent Ruquier, Chantal Ladesou, Inès Reg and Kev Adams to brainstorm to try to unmask the personalities hiding under the costumes of this season 6. After having removed the masks of Chantal Goya, Jacques Legros, Catherine Lara or even Gloria Gaynor and the Creole Company, there are still several stars to discover in the costumes of the Pearl, the Hippopotamus, the Geishamouraï or even the Dragonfly. And next week, they will also have to unmask a surprise juror.

Who is the mystery investigator Mask Singer disguised as Snowflake?

Indeed, in Mask Singer, the investigation continuesLaurent Ruquier revealed in front of Ladybug, the star of the cartoon Miraculousunmasked Friday May 24, that a “new investigator” will join the show’s investigation office to help the jurors. And it will be the Snowflake, whose costume we had a first glimpse of, but above all the first clues to unmask him. So, for the letter F, we learn that it could be a woman. A detail that “meant a lot to her”, can thus be understood, while the L refers to the word “free”. “She is, and she always has been.”, we learn. A free woman? These are not the only clues that have been given!

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Cannes, the Olympia, new… Clues on the Snowflake

In the word Flocon there is also a first O, which here refers to the word “undulate”, because “things are moving at the Flocon”, while the C is a reference to the city of Cannes, where one of the most famous film festivals in the world is held. The second O is a reference to Olympia. We can therefore imagine that this “free woman” has performed there at least once in her career, and the N is for “new”. “But what’s new?”this is one of the questions we ask ourselves after these first clues which lead us to think that the person hiding under the Snowflake is therefore a free woman, perhaps a dancer and singer, who has a link with the Olympia and the city of Cannes… So many questions that Laurent Ruquier, Kev Adams, Inès Reg and Chantal Ladesou are surely already asking, who will have to unmask this mystery investigator during the evening!

Article written in collaboration with 6Médias.



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