Valentin (Love is in the meadow) makes a mistake, a suitor leaves the farm (spoiler)

Valentin (Love is in the meadow) makes a mistake, a suitor leaves the farm (spoiler)
Valentin (Love is in the meadow) makes a mistake, a suitor leaves the farm (spoiler)

This Monday, October 21, 2024, M6 will broadcast a new issue of L’amour est dans le pré. Unfortunately, nothing will go as planned for Valentin who will face the virulent departure of one of his suitors…

Screenshot M6 – Love is in the meadow

In this new season of Love is in the meadowValentin, a 27-year-old farmer, quickly established himself as one of the notable candidates. Originally from a small rural town, Valentin is a discreet but endearing young man, who seems to have great difficulty expressing his emotions. If his preferences for Flavie became obvious quite quickly, he finds it difficult to fully accept her as we can see in the episode of Monday October 21, 2024 available in preview on M6+. Warning, spoilers!

“Do you want me to drop you off somewhere?”

A lack of clarity which obviously caused frustration for her other contender, Ilona, ​​who feels more and more sidelined. Between doubt and hope, Ilona struggles to understand what is going on in Valentin’s head, which only adds tension to this love triangle. Unfortunately for the young woman, the situation took a nightmarish turn during a horseback ride, where Ilona, ​​exhausted by Valentin’s indecision, ended up breaking down. She asked him several times if he had made up his mind, and when there was no clear answer, she decided to confront him directly. “If that’s it, I can leave,” she said, trying as best she could for an honest answer from the farmer. Valentin’s response, completely off the mark, was shocking: “Do you want me to drop you off somewhere?” An awkward response that broke Ilona, ​​making her understand thatshe was not Valentin’s choice. Hurt and feeling humiliated, she left the place without even saying goodbye to the farmer…

Ilona disappointed by Valentin

In addition to the fact of having once again failed in love as she confided on camera, what made Ilona furious above all was the fact that Valentin never took the time to tell her frankly that this It wasn’t her he chose. On several occasions, she held out poles to him and hoped for a clear answer, in vain. For her, this lack of sincerity is a betrayal, especially since she put her life on hold to participate in the show, sacrificing her exams to come. “I had my exams, if you had told me before I could have passed them”, she reproaches him, visibly angry. She also criticizes him for never trying to really know her, describing his behavior as cold and distant: “At no time did you try to get to know me, I had the impression of having an iceberg in front of me.” Valentin tried to justify himself by explaining that he wanted to share his time fairly between the two suitors, but for Ilona, ​​the damage was done…



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