Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine, Faustine Bollaert… Christine Bravo without filter on the work of her colleagues!

Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine, Faustine Bollaert… Christine Bravo without filter on the work of her colleagues!
Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine, Faustine Bollaert… Christine Bravo without filter on the work of her colleagues!

Christine Bravo delivered her unfiltered opinion on the broadcasts of Faustine Bollaert, Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine and Sophie Davant on Sud Radio.

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Christine Bravo has long been one of the figures of French television. We owe him in particular programs like Frou Frou Or free Union, a program which revealed Nikos Aliagas. The host is also known for her rants and her outspokenness. She notably delivered her unfiltered opinion on Christophe Dechavanne, for whom she was the columnist. Now rarer on television, Laurent Ruquier’s accomplice is back on Chérie 25 with unpublished Petticoats of history. She was the guest of the Sud Radio media program to discuss this subject. She took the opportunity to give her opinion on the place of women on television today. They are far too rare for his taste…

Christine Bravo regrets that women are not at the head of big programs

Valérie Expert reminded her that women were now at the head of important programs, which made Christine Bravo raise eyebrows. “Women journalists, yes, that’s indisputable. Women presenters, big slot, big schedule and alone, I’m not talking to you about the posters, who are there? There’s a great girl at the Kindergartens [Agathe Lecaron, ndlr] but the schedule, here it is. I’m not in front. The VoiceReichmann, Drucker, Nikos [Aliagas]…”, she listed. His interlocutors reminded him that Sophie Davant and Faustine Bollaert hosted bonuses. But this remark did not convince Christine Bravo. “But not regular, not recurring. [Sophie Davant], she is a woman who can hold a prime very well. She has never been put in regular control of a prime. Faustine, she works the afternoons. It’s excellent, but we don’t put it as a bonus, in access, on a regular basis.” she lamented.

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“She is alone”, remarks Christine Bravo about Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine

Christine Bravo finally conceded that Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine was among the rare women to be at the head of a program broadcast in access, but she was nevertheless nuanced. “She’s doing really well, not only is she a hit, I think she’s great. But basically, she’s on France 5”she remarked, thus emphasizing that it may not be a big chain. “His brand is stronger than anything. C to youit’s a reference, but it’s alone”, she concluded.



NEXT Samuel and Patrick are caught in an explosion (Recap of episode 106)