Anthony Matéo (The Villa of Broken Hearts) announces great news, Vincent Queijo overjoyed

Anthony Matéo (The Villa of Broken Hearts) announces great news, Vincent Queijo overjoyed
Anthony Matéo (The Villa of Broken Hearts) announces great news, Vincent Queijo overjoyed

Today at 6:00 p.m. – by Elisa Gerlinger

In the Wednesday October 9 episode of The Villa of Broken HeartsAnthony Matéo announces great news to his friend Vincent Queijo, to his greatest happiness.

For several weeks, viewers have been following the daily lives of the candidates of The Villa of Broken Heartsbroadcast on TFX. While several people have already left the adventure, notably Vincent, Neverly and Delphine, others have arrived along the way. This is the case of Anthony Matéo, who was called by Lucie to help the broken-hearted. And if the one who made himself known in Beauty and her princes didn’t come to find love, he let himself be carried away by a game of seduction with Solène. Only, the beautiful blonde was already getting closer to Antoine. A situation which created many conflicts.

Anthony Matéo (The Villa 9) : “It disrupted my plans”

Indeed, while Antoine and Solène slept together and kissed, the candidate found the handsome brunette in the middle of the night to exchange a kiss. Since then, Solène finds herself in a love triangle with two men who are interested in her. If Antoine has a hard time with this situation, this is far from being the case for Anthony. As he came in The Villa of Broken Hearts for a temporary period, Lucie’s guest finally decided to stay in the adventure to continue his story with Solène. “I really want to get to the second grade. So, it’s shaken up my plans a bit. I want to stayhe confides to Vincent Queijo.

Vincent Cheese (The Villa 9) : “I have you in the villa and I am the happiest”

Anthony Matéo then decides to send a message to Lucie to express his wish to stay in the adventure and continue to get to know Solène. Excellent news for Vincent, with whom he is friends outside of the shows. “Antho sends a message to Lucie to be able to develop his relationship with Solène, and that also means staying in the villa. So very good, develop as much as possible my friend, like that, I have you in the villa, and Me, I am truly the happiestrejoices Marwa’s companion. A decision which delights his friend, Vincent, as well as the other candidates of The Villa of Broken Hearts. So business to follow between Anthony and Solène…

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias.

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