Slimane rejected from a famous singing show, a video resurfaces

By Maureen M.

– Published on May 9, 2024 at 4:54 p.m.

As Eurovision approaches, W9 unveiled a documentary on Slimane and his rather eventful journey before The Voice.

Slimane Nebchi, better known as Slimane, embodies the journey of an artist with a singular destiny, marked by perseverance and talent. Born on October 13, 1989 in Chelles, in Seine-et-Marne, this young man quickly seduces the French public with his powerful voice and his undeniable charisma. His notoriety has exploded in 2016 lhe won season 5 of The Voice: the most beautiful voice, the TF1 musical reality TV show which propelled him to the front of the stage. Since then, the one who would be on bad terms with Camille Lellouche, has traveled a remarkable path in the music industry, recording several successful albums and performing on prestigious stages across France and abroad.

Slimane: on the way to Eurovision with his song Mon Amour

The big day is approaching for the young singer. Indeed, in this month of May 2024, Slimane is preparing to represent France at the 68th edition of the Eurovision contest which will be held in Malmö, Sweden. With his song My love, which was a real hit, he hopes to touch the hearts of the European public during the second semi-final of Eurovision, scheduled for Thursday May 9. This service covers of capital importance to convince the spectators to vote for him and thus obtain a good ranking during the final. And it must be said that the powerful voice of Slimane has every chance of climb into the top 3 of the competition.

A journey strewn with pitfalls

In parallel with his participation in Eurovision, the W9 channel dedicated a documentary to him entitled Slimane the Conqueror! broadcast on Wednesday, May 8. This documentary retraces his incredible journey, from his humble beginnings in telecrochet shows to his consecration in The Voice. The opportunity to discover the journey of Vitaa’s sidekick which was not without pitfalls. One of the highlights of his journey was his participation in the Popstars auditions in 2007, where he caught the attention of American choreographer Mia Frye. Unfortunately, his performance did not convince Benjamin Chulvanij, an influential producer at the time.

Slimane brought down by Benjamin Chulvanij in front of the whole of France

And it must be said that the latter was rather virulent: “The guy only sang in English and all the parts that shouldn’t have been done (…) It does not interest me “. A heated exchange followed which ended with a violent “Leave, the door is there!” » from Benjamin Chulvanij. However, for her part, Mia Frye was charmed by the singer. “He had a voice…honestly? Like an angel ! When he performs, he brings his own personality, he brings all his baggage and at the same time there is no heaviness, he doesn’t force”, she remembers in the W9 documentary. As for the reaction of her colleague Benjamin Chulvanij, Mia Frye admitted: “I was ashamed. It made me extremely sad and I was destabilized.”

The singer shatters the criticism

Despite the criticism, Slimane did not never gave up on your dream to become a singer. He persevered, participating in other talent shows until his resounding victory in The Voice. Thus, the W9 documentary highlights determination and talent of Slimane, as well as the unwavering support of those who believed in him, like Mia Frye. His story is a true example of resilience and determination. In short, Slimane’s participation in Eurovision marks an important step in his career. So, she symbolizes his consecration on the international scene. His atypical and inspiring journey testifies to the power of music to transcend borders and touch hearts. No offense to certain producers…



NEXT Samuel and Patrick are caught in an explosion (Recap of episode 106)