Claude, the Breton, now the only suitor for Karell

Claude Rozec lives in (Finistère). He participates in the TV show L’amour est dans le pré, broadcast on M6. For Karell, the farmer, and her Breton suitor, the adventure continues.

The farmer Karell and her suitors Claude (the Breton, on the left) and Alexandre (the southerner, on the right), during season 19 of “Love is in the meadow”. | CÉCILE ROGUE/M6

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  • The farmer Karell and her suitors Claude (the Breton, on the left) and Alexandre (the southerner, on the right), during season 19 of “Love is in the meadow”. | CÉCILE ROGUE/M6

We left Karell, a farmer on Amour est dans le pré, the M6 ​​show, with her two suitors at home, on her farm in Haute-Saône. Including Claude, from Quimper. Broadcast on Monday evenings on M6, season 19 of the show continues its little man… just like Claude. After a day as a trio, he is in fact the only suitor to stay on the farm alongside Karell. Because Alexandre, who came from the south of , preferred to leave the adventure.

Read also: “A great experience”: Claude, Karell’s suitor, confides in L’Amour est dans le pré

“I’m not at the same stage as him, I need more perspective”comments Karell on the subject of the southern candidate, a little abruptly by this eagerness. If she confesses “having had a crush (for Claude) au speed dating »she also states “that nothing is done and also want to leave room for both (on the farm) ». But Alexandre decided otherwise and chose to return home.



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