“Quotidien”: a columnist for the show creates discomfort by describing Léon Marchand as a “perfect father”

“Quotidien”: a columnist for the show creates discomfort by describing Léon Marchand as a “perfect father”
“Quotidien”: a columnist for the show creates discomfort by describing Léon Marchand as a “perfect father”

Since his exceptional performance at the 2024 Olympic Games, Léon Marchand continues to generate excitement, creating an event with each of his appearances. Although he declined certain invitations to showsthe swimmer made an exception by going to the plateau of “Daily”.

However, the presence of the Olympic champion was marked by a sequence which caused enormous uneasehighlighting the difficulties that public figures regularly face.

Léon Marchand’s life has radically changed

The Paris 2024 Olympic Games marked a real turning point in the life of 22-year-old swimmer Léon Marchand. Requested by many luxury brandshe admitted that he could no longer pass unnoticed on the street. From now on, his sudden notoriety prevents him from leading a normal life, forcing him to adapt certain moments of his daily life to deal with this new reality.

If Léon Marchand spoke about the challenges of this new life, his influence also had a significant impact on today’s young people. Indeed, since his exploits, registrations in swimming clubs have explodedparticularly in his hometown of testifying to the enthusiasm aroused by his performances.

On the set of “Daily”a columnist creates unease

After declining an interview with Léa Salamé, Léon Marchand went to the set of “Daily” this Monday, September 30. However, the Olympic champion probably didn’t expect to be put in such an uncomfortable situation. Indeed, Maïa Mazaurette, an expert in sexuality issues, hosted a column which quickly put the athlete in embarrassment. She mentioned the desires of the fairer sex regarding the performances of the young champion.

Thus, she asserted that “Women are unconsciously attracted to men who can pass on good genes to their offspring”. The columnist continued, specifying that “the perfect progenitor would be recognizable thanks to a V-shaped morphology”. As his intervention progresses, the smile of Léon Marchand became more and more frozenred rising to her cheeks as she described him as “ideal for making love”.

Internet users scandalized by this sequence

After this embarrassing sequence, comedian Pablo Mira tried to bring a little lightness to the situation by echoing the words of Maïa Mazaurette, who had just said: “The undulations of the pelvis are still a bit reminiscent of the sexual act”. But this attempt at humor was not enough to calm the atmosphere, and the viewers also revolted facing this lunar sequence.

On Xreactions flooded in: “This Quotidien column is uncomfortable when the columnist talks about the bodies of young men who are barely adults”commented one of them, while others added: “Poor Léon Marchand, she’s making you uncomfortable this evening Maïa” or even “On women, it’s embarrassing, but the sexualization of Léon Marchand’s body bothers her less, Maïa. She’s crazy. » And you, what do you think?



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