Erik and Lyle Menendez’s real family comes out…

Erik and Lyle Menendez’s real family comes out…
Erik and Lyle Menendez’s real family comes out…

Family members of brothers Erik and Lyle Menendez have spoken out in recent days. In a press release, they did not hesitate to express their anger regarding the series directed by Ryan Murphy.

It’s a series that was highly anticipated. After the great success of the first season based on Jeffrey Dahmer’s story, it was the turn of the Menendez brothers to tell theirs. Ryan Murphy directed the second season of the series entitled Monsters and this has been talked about a lot in recent days. As a reminder, it was Erik and Lyle Menendez who murdered their parents in the late 1980s. They are still in prison today. In a statement shared by Tammi Menendez, Erik’s wife,
family members have expressed their anger regarding this series.

“We are the extended family of Erik and Lyle Menendez. There are 24 of us and today we want the world to know that we support Erik and Lyle,” she began before continuing: “We pray individually and collectively for their release after being imprisoned for 35 years.” The press release then mentions Tan Murphy’s series, described as being a phobic, crude, anachronistic episodic nightmare that is not only riddled with untruths and outright lies, but also ignores the most recent exculpatory revelations.” This is clear.

Erik and Lyle Menendez: their loved ones come out of the silence

Those close to the Menendez brothers wanted to reestablish certain truths. “Our family was the victim of this grotesque tragedy,” can we read next. Those close to the two brothers then openly attacked the director.
“Ryan Murphy claims to have spent years researching the case, but ultimately relied on prosecution pro Dominick Dunne to justify his smears against us and never spoke to us,”
they said. An attitude that the relatives of the two condemned deplore.

The Menendez family then confides that Erik and Lyle are the subject of a “defamation under the guise of a ‘narrative’ and it is repugnant.” In the press release, it is then the personality of the two convicts which is mentioned.
“We know these men. We grew up with them since they were children. We love them and are still close to them today.” can we read; Concerning the facts of sexual assault mentioned in the series and in reality, it is specified: “We also know what happened in their homes and everything they went through. Many of us have been eyewitnesses to many atrocities that no one should have to witness.”

Erik and Lyle Menendez: two brothers who accused their father of atrocities

Heard by investigators, Erik and Lyle Menendez claimed to have been abused by their father for many years. It was also their defense since they said they were afraid that their parents would end up killing them.
“It’s sad that Ryan Murphy, Netflix and everyone else involved in this series don’t understand the impact of years of physical, emotional and sexual abuse. Maybe Monsters is about Ryan Murphy after all.”
concludes the press release. Very remarkable comments.

Before this press release, it is
Erik Menendez who spoke about this series
. He criticized Ryan Murphy for discrediting their words by saying: I believe Ryan Murphy can’t be so naive and inaccurate about our lives without bad intentions
Erik Menendez also discusses the way his brother Lyle is portrayed. “I thought we were done with the lies and destructive portrayals, creating a caricature of Lyle rooted in horrible, blatant falsehoods spread throughout the show.he concluded. As a reminder, Erik and Lyle Menendez were aged 19 and 21 at the time of the events. They first blamed the mafia for the killing before the youngest Erik confessed the double murder to his psychologist. The two men, arrested in March 1990, ended up discussing the sexual abuse of which they were victims, claiming that their mother knew about it.



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