“Revolution”: here’s what you need to know about the new face-to-face meetings

“Revolution”: here’s what you need to know about the new face-to-face meetings
“Revolution”: here’s what you need to know about the new face-to-face meetings

The masters took everyone by surprise on Sunday evening by announcing that the star dancers, just selected, would compete, during face-to-face meetings, with aspiring mysteries who only dream of one thing: to delight them. the title of star.

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These wannabes are luminaries in their styles. Some never participated in the show despite insistent requests from production; others are well-known faces, some of whom have never made the finals or quarter-finals, but who after their time on the show have become big names in the world of dance.

They will have, in the same way as the star dancers, the possibility of winning the competition.

“The aspirants arrived ready, with a knife between their teeth,” Jean-Marc Généreux told the QMI Agency.

“There is a switch that is absolutely magical, it is that neither the star dancers nor the aspiring ones know who they are going to dance against before going on stage on each side of the ramp,” he said, speaking about delighting in this masterstroke which he described as “a feast of joy”.

“In previous years, you could prepare against a solo, a duo or a group and target your opponent’s strengths and weaknesses in advance, but now you don’t have that strategy in your pocket. You have to arrive prepared and ready to fire with your body while ignoring attacks,” he continued.

The dance sports expert also assured that the face-offs would pit dancers of equal strength against each other and that no one had a “free pass”.

In addition, each master will be entitled to their own rescue button. “In certain cases, we were able to save a midshipman or save a star,” underlined Jean-Marc Généreux, admitting that, for certain battles, it was quite obvious that the two opponents had won.

“We had to make painful decisions because we parted ways with stars and we parted ways with candidates on whom we were betting big. […] we have the responsibility to make choices so that it is always the best who wins and not the one we think will win,” he maintained.

At the end of the face-to-face competition, there will be 21 dancers left in the race.

“It really is a Stanley Cup Final every number. We feel their pride in being a star and their investment, but we also feel the thirst of the aspirants to dethrone the stars,” added the dance master, who also made it clear that everything would be done according to the rules of the art and with respect.

Star season Revolution is broadcast on TVA, Sunday evening at 7:30 p.m. The show can be replayed at any time on TVA+.



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