Is Cleo in love with Jasmine? His interpreter, Alice Aviez-Matton, explains the behavior of her character

Is Cleo in love with Jasmine? His interpreter, Alice Aviez-Matton, explains the behavior of her character
Is Cleo in love with Jasmine? His interpreter, Alice Aviez-Matton, explains the behavior of her character

That’s it: Cléo,Here it all begins, is unmasked, his shenanigans no longer deceive anyone. The opportunity to take stock of the behavior of the young woman with Alice Aviez-Matton, her interpreter.

FINALLY ! This is what fans ofHere it all begins, who follow with interest the intrigue concerning Jasmine and Cleo. They are indeed relieved to see that chef Kasmi has finally opened her eyes to the toxicity of Cleo. However, this has not said its last word. If her actions could suggest that she was secretly in love with Jim, Alice Aviez-Matton, her interpreter, cut short these assumptions. But then what pushes the young woman to act like this? The actress explains the behavior of her character.

Here it all starts: Alice Aviez-Matton (Cléo) explains her character’s behavior

Childhood friends, Jasmine and Cléo took different paths as revealed in the summer plot ofHere it all begins. But after the joy of reunion, Cleo showed a completely different face: the gentle, self-effacing friend gave way to an outstanding manipulator. Failing to be in love with Jim, would she harbor more than friendly feelings for Jasminewhich would justify her wanting to keep it all to herself? We asked the question to Alice Aviez-Mattonhis interpreter. “For me, we don’t talk about romantic feelings: neither towards Jim, nor towards Jasmine, assures the actress. Cléo admires Jasmine because she comes from the same place as her. Unlike Cléo, Jasmine is successful: she is valedictorian every year, she does what she is passionate about, she is well surrounded, she has a son, someone she loves, friends who are always there for her…, insists Alice Aviez-Matton. For Cléo, Jasmine is a projection of what she could have been if she had followed this path. It’s more admiration than anything else.”

Here it all begins: “Cléo has extenuating circumstances”, pour Alice Aviez-Matton

Difficult to defend in the eyes of viewers, Cleo is a little more so for her interpreter, who justifies the behavior of her character by the ordeals she has gone through. “Cléo has extenuating circumstances which are certainly difficult to understand but she still had a very complicated life, from a very young age. This summer, she lost her parents and all her bearings, reminds Alice Aviez-Matton. Cléo had to socialize and learn codes that she didn’t have. All of this inevitably upsets her and she no longer knows what to expect, or who to trust other than Jasmine.”



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