Pierre de Brauer ousted from Star Academy: he breaks the silence and discusses his replacement Hugues Hamelynck

By Laïa Dabri | Editor

Laïa Dabri is curious. Out of the question for her to limit herself to just one type of television show. From Touche pas à mon poste to Les Marseillais or Journal Télévisé, there is only one step that she never hesitates to take. Embark on her world where even series of all kinds have their place.

He won’t be back! Pierre de Brauer has been ousted from the “Star Academy”. A subject he brought up in an Instagram story, this Wednesday, September 25, 2024. He even mentioned his relationship with Hugues Hamelynck and that might surprise you.

Pierre de Brauer ousted from the “Star Academy”, he speaks out on Instagram

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It’s official, the kick-off of the Star Academy 2024 will be given on October 12, live on TF1. And this Wednesday, September 25, the first channel invited the press, including Purepeopleto discover the first information about the new edition. The opportunity to learn in particular that Pierre de Brauer will not be back. Shortly after the announcement, the former drama teacher of the show spoke on his Instagram account.

Although the identity of the future students of the Star Academythose of the teachers of this season 12 have been revealed. Thus, we know that Malika Benjelloun keeps her role as dance teacher. Lucie Bernardoni will still be a coach but this year, she will be in a pair with Fanny Delaigue. Her partner for two years Marlène Schaff will indeed now be in charge of the stage expression classes and the debriefing of the bonuses, a function carried out last year by Cécile Chaduteau. Like the latter, Adeline Toniutti will not be back. She has been replaced by Sofia Morgavi. And it is Ladji Doucouré who succeeds Coach Joe.

A new drama teacher that Pierre de Brauer knows well

There is also a change on the drama teacher side. Exit Pierre de Brauer. He has been replaced by Hugues Hamelynck.I have the great pleasure of announcing that I will be the drama teacher of Star Academy 2024. It is an honor for me to share my passion with the students of the most prestigious school in . And it is also a childhood dream come true. I appreciate my luck and I will do everything to live up to this new challenge.” he wrote on Instagram.

But what he doesn’t say is that he is close… to Pierre de Brauer. This Wednesday, the former drama teacher spoke in a story after the announcement of his replacement was made.Ladies and gentlemen. It’s official. I’ve known it for months, but I couldn’t announce it. I won’t be the drama teacher for the next season of Star Academy. I loved doing these two seasons with you.” he initially confided.

Pierre de Brauer then revealed his link with Hugues Hamelynck: “Let’s talk about the new guy I know well, who is a long-time friend, with whom I still work. He has a café theatre that I love. I’m actually going to play a few more dates this year.. He is a lover of the show.he is a lover of French song. He even does a show about it. He is eloquent, he knows how to speak well. He worked on radio and TV. He is one of our well-known Belgian presenters. He is a remarkable trainer. He was at the federation with me, he even trained me. So really, give him a proper welcome. I’m counting on you.” He then recalled that he was still giving lessons and that he had therefore returned to his life before he “love so much“.

There is no doubt that he has given or will give some valuable advice to Hugues Hamelynck.



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