Cyril Hanouna launches a tackle at a columnist who surprises, “The malaise…

Cyril Hanouna launches a tackle at a columnist who surprises, “The malaise…
Cyril Hanouna launches a tackle at a columnist who surprises, “The malaise…

By Aurélie H

– Published on Sep 17, 2024 at 8:56 p.m.modified on 17 Sep 2024 at 23:18

In TPMP this Tuesday, September 17, Cyril Hanouna launched a small tackle at a columnist. Enough to cause discomfort.

Every evening in Don’t Touch My Postcolumnists have favorites or rants. During the daily of this Tuesday, September 17, it was Raymond who had a rant to push against the dissolution of the National Assembly which cost 30 million euros. “We’re throwing money away”he said. Afterwards, Cyril Hanouna revealed the five most striking images of the day. Among them was the possible increase in taxes. The host reassured his columnists by saying that they would not be affected, since it concerns very wealthy people.

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In the process, Cyril Hanouna returned to the Pope’s comments concerning the accusations of sexual assault against Abbé Pierre. “I don’t know when the Vatican knew because I wasn’t there and it would never have occurred to me to start researching it.”said the Pope. Bernard Montiel then reacted: “I’m sorry, I’m Catholic, but the Church knew it well before. The Pope was very elegant and obliged to recognize it. The bishops of interned him, they warned everyone. Everyone knew it. The Church knew it. It should not be said that the Vatican did not know it.” To which Gilles Verdez launched: “The churches of France raised the alarm in 1955. There is no proof that the Vatican knew about it before.”

A lively debate in Don’t Touch My Post

Isabelle Morini-Bosc, who spoke about the underside of television, also spoke: “As a Catholic, I am often fed up with people only attacking Catholics, because these kinds of problems exist in absolutely all religions (…) I can’t let you say that about the Pope. There, okay, he attacks Abbé Pierre and I don’t care about him. But on the other hand, he covered up the actions of a Brazilian pedophile bishop and he always protected him against everyone.”

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Faced with Isabelle Morini-Bosc’s comments, Cyril Hanouna asked her if there was any proof of what she was saying. “If it’s public and true, you need proof… You don’t come and say anything on air. Bring your proof. If it’s to say, I read it in the newspaper, it’s useless.”he said. Seeing that his columnist did not want to stop talking, Cyril Hanouna finally said: “Okay, Gilles, calm your wife down. She’s going crazy! Okay, you’re boring us! Give us Danielle Moreau back.” A final sentence that caused a great silence on the set of Don’t Touch My Post. That’s when Kelly Vedovelli stepped in to say: “Oh, the discomfort!” But very quickly the debate resumed between Bernard Montiel and Gilles Verdez. Between the two columnists, the tone very quickly rose… One reproaching the other for misinterpreting his words.



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