Raphaëlle is out of danger, Sacha and Benoît want to kidnap Lilou! The summary of episode 1768 of Wednesday September 11, 2024

Raphaëlle is out of danger, Sacha and Benoît want to kidnap Lilou! The summary of episode 1768 of Wednesday September 11, 2024

Wednesday September 11, 2024 in Tomorrow belongs to us After robbing the Mas, fugitives Sacha Girard and Benoît Letellier seek funds to finance their escape. Still in shock from the robbery, Alex blames himself for letting Robin hit him without reacting. Chloé and Michaël remind him that Sacha was armed and could have killed him if he had tried to stop his brother… Very angry, he goes back to work, very bitter that his brother betrayed him again.

Tomorrow belongs to us Ahead: The identity of Mona’s secret admirer is finally revealed!

Mouth watering“, Mona’s secret admirer, hasn’t given her any news for two weeks and the Spoon’s cook’s morale is at its lowest. While Mona is feeling down, Joel Tundis has made an appointment at the hospital to have his cast removed earlier than expected. Marianne refuses to grant his request to avoid the risk of infection. In the process, he receives a message from Nathan. The young man accuses him of playing with Mona’s feelings. The secret admirer is none other than Joel Tundis. The latter goes to lunch at the Spoon and, embarrassed by his cast, he asks Mona for her help cutting his meat. In a bad mood, Mona sends him packing. Bart apologizes to Joel for his employee’s behavior. Joel confides that he had already noticed that Mona had a temper, but that she is right and that he should have chosen a dish that is easier to eat. Bart offers him dessert.

Tomorrow belongs to us in advance: Violette advises Octave not to go out with Lilou

Violette and Lilou have to prepare a presentation but instead of concentrating, Lilou looks at photos of Octave on her phone. Annoyed, Violette calls her to order but Lilou retorts with her usual aplomb that Violette should be happy that she is interested in Octave instead of Jordan. Violette declares that she is not in a relationship and Lilou jumps at this opportunity to tell her: “So can I ask Jordan out for a drink?“. Stung to the quick, Violette, who struggles to hide her jealousy, tells him that it’s going to be hell working in tandem with Lilou.”You just have to start on your own” Lilou then retorts, taking her things and leaving the classroom. On her way back, she meets Mia in the hallway and offers to take her and Octave to a nice place. Mia, who begins to think that Lilou is using her to spend time with her brother, declines her offer. At the end of class, Octave confides that he likes Lilou, but that he is afraid of getting into a relationship that is doomed to failure. Violette advises him not to go out with Lilou, because she is not a good girl and he might regret it.

Tomorrow belongs to us in advance: Michaël is recruited into the Sète police

At the police station, Martin and Georges are now convinced that Robin Bellanger (Dominique Guillo) is Sacha and Benoît’s accomplice. The three criminals managed to get 1,500 euros with the bank cards stolen from the Mas, to which are added the 300 euros stolen from Alex’s cash register. According to Martin, this sum is not enough to finance an escape, so the fugitives are probably still hiding in Sète. Georges thinks that the escapees are hiding near the port and that they would need more staff to advance in their search. Martin is aware of this but it is impossible for the moment to reinstate Karim, whose file is still being studied by the IGPN. But Martin has a solution. He summons Michaël to the police station and informs him that his request for a transfer has been accepted, not to Montpellier, the city he had requested, but to Sète. Martin tells him that he has sped things up because he needs reinforcements to find the three escapees, but he would understand if Michaël was uncomfortable with the idea of ​​joining the brigade after having had conflicting relations with the police. Michaël assures him that he knows that Martin and his colleagues were only doing their job and he agrees to join the team. In the process, Martin receives a call from Camille. Raphaëlle has woken up. Martin rushes to her bedside. Raphaëlle is still a little weak but seems in good shape. That evening, Michaël tells his children and Chloé that he has joined the Sète police brigade and that the hotel has found a buyer.

Tomorrow belongs to us in advance: Benoît, Sacha and Robin look for Mathieu’s hideout

In their hideout, Benoît, Sacha (Renaud Roussel) and Robin decide what to do. According to the plan drawn up based on Matthieu Clavel’s instructions, Benoît thinks that the latter buried his loot in a hilly area. Robin, who knows the area well, offers his help in exchange for money to go and join his son. The two serial killers accept the deal. Sacha, Benoît and Robin start digging where Mathieu’s loot should be. But they don’t find any money… The criminal probably lied to protect his back. At the same time, Soraya is in the visiting room with Mathieu Clavel. She reveals to him that she heard him ask Sacha Girard and Benoît Letellier not to leave without him and suspects him of being their accomplice. Mathieu admits that he thought about escaping, but assures that he is not in contact with Sacha and Benoît. He doesn’t want anything to do with these sick people. He begs Soraya to help him.

Tomorrow belongs to us in advance: Lilou is in danger!

Sacha and Benoît are looking for a way to force Mathieu to tell them where he hid his money. They then come up with the idea of ​​using his daughter Lilou as a means of pressure to make him talk…


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