Eliott confides in Hortense, Inès…


On September 10 in Here Everything Begins (TF1, 6:30 p.m.), Zoé and Lionel reconcile but lose Inès’ trust, Rose is caught in her own trap, Jasmine is jubilant.

The atmosphere is heavy between the Lanneau sisters: Inès (Romy Durand) no longer speaks to Zoé who feels guilty and makes herself sick. Laetitia (Florence Coste) gives him support and comfort. Then Zoé lets herself go and tells her about the kiss she gave Gary the day before. Laetitia plays it down and advises him to open his heart to her. Lionel (Lucien Belvès) opens up to Eliott (Nicolas Anselmo) and Solal (Benjamin Douba Paris). If he doesn’t know how to resolve his problems with his sisters, it is with excess confidence that he approaches his exam.

In one of the kitchens, Zoe, Milan and Sabri are training when Gary (Louis Ould Yaou) interrupts them to talk to his best friend. Milan grabs Sabri and takes him outside so they can talk. Tensions dissipate, but Zoe is unable to confess her feelings to him.

Effet boomerang

Clotilde (Elsa Lunghini) takes advantage of a coffee break with Marc (Stéphane Blancafort) to question him about “the fig thief”. Chief Leroy refuses to rat out Rose
(Vanessa Demouy) and dodges the issue. As he prepares to join his students, he is grabbed by Rose who asks him for his opinion on her recipes. Marc warns him that Clotilde is on his shores. She decides to tell him a lie to drown his suspicions. Convinced that she will offend her Cartesian sister by telling her that she consults an astrologer, she instead awakens her protective soul. Clotilde tells him about all the trials she has recently been through and advises him to go see a shrink instead.

Strategies and blunders

Jasmine (Zoï Sévérin) and Tom (Tom Darmon) share their stress a few minutes before their test which consists of facing Leroy and Listrac (Virginie Caliari) respectively by imposing a recipe on them. Thibault (Félix Pacaut) comes to his ex’s aid and informs him that his father hates cauliflower. Leroy is disgusted when he discovers the recipe he is being challenged on. Olivia is reeling from Tom and his meat-based recipe. As for chef Wiesberg (Noémie Zeitoun), a real war machine, she takes up Lionel’s challenge on a particularly technical recipe.

At the end of the examination, Chief Delobel (Joseph Malerba) announces that Jasmine wins against Leroy. Lionel bows to Wiesberg. Later, Zoé sets things straight with her brother. Just as they are discussing Inès’ future and the possibility of sending her to boarding school, the schoolgirl overhears their conversation and runs away.

Eliott’s Secret

Eliott and Hortense (Catherine Davydzenka) discuss the major episodes of their lives. Eliott needs to understand how his friend realized she didn’t want children.. He notes, appeased, that with Mehdi (Marvin Pellegrino), they are on the same wavelength. While walking through the alleys of the castle, they meet Billie (Margaux Aguilar) who takes the opportunity to tell Eliott all the happiness that they send, Greg and him, through their posts on the networks. The reality seems different and the young chef admits that they spend more time crossing paths than enjoying their life as a couple. Hortense finally understands the discomfort and pushes him to confide. He expresses his desire to adopt but fears that Greg will not be enthusiastic about this project.


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