Published on 01/20/2025 at 1:04 p.m.
(Reuters) – US President-elect Donald Trump will call for a “common sense revolution” during his inauguration speech on Monday, the Wall Street Journal reports, citing language prepared for the ceremony.
“I return to the presidency confident and optimistic that we are at the start of an exciting new era of national success. A wave of change is sweeping the country,” he is expected to declare, calling for a “common sense revolution.”
“My message to Americans today is that it is time for us to act again with the courage, vigor and vitality of the greatest civilization in history,” Donald Trump is expected to add during his planned speech in Washington at noon (5 p.m. GMT), according to the WSJ.
Donald Trump begins a second term in the White House on Monday, during which he has promised to expand executive powers, deport millions of immigrants, take revenge on those perceived as his political enemies and transform the role of the United States on the world stage.
In particular, he plans to quickly issue a series of decrees to leave his mark on the new administration in areas ranging from energy to immigration.
-Two sources said more than 100 executive orders and directives could be issued on the Republican’s first day in the Oval Office.
(Reporting by Rishabh Jaiswal in Bangalore; French version Diana Mandia, edited by Sophie Louet)
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