On Patrick Lagacé’s show on Wednesday, columnist Frédéric Labelle told the particular story of an employee in a Walmart in the greater Montreal area, who was intimidated by a customer.
He tried to obtain service in English from the lady, who does not speak his language.
The man also filmed Henriette with his smartphone, aiming to denounce on social networks her inability to serve him in English. The video is viral.
Listen to Nicolas Trudel from the Office québécois de la langue française, who spoke with the columnist. He points out that employees have the right to work in French.
This story also provoked political reactions, notably from the office of the Minister of the French Language. Jean-François Roberge salutes the resistance and calm of the cashier.
PQ MP Pascal Bérubé also commented on this matter.
As for Walmart Canada, management has not yet responded.
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