The year 2025 begins under bad auspices for Laurent Wauquiez. The president of the Republican parliamentary group will have to, through the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region – which he headed – reveal the identity of his guests during his famous “summit dinners”.
The leader of the Republicans will have to, more broadly, respond transparently to the demands of justice. The Council of State has, according to information from the Lyon Tribune (subsequently confirmed by Liberation), rejected the appeal from the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, which wanted to avoid the judgment of the administrative court of Lyon, Monday December 30.
A note of almost 180,000 euros
Organized at the end of June 2022, within the Château de la Chaize, the reception cost nearly 100,000 euros, or around 1,100 euros per guest (more than 90 guests); all at the expense of the taxpayer. A first “summit dinner” brought together, in the spring of the same year, around sixty guests at the Paul-Bocuse Institute, near Lyon. Two sumptuous events (nearly 180,000 euros in total), with escorts in luxury vans, servers dedicated to each guest or a menu developed by the Paul-Bocuse Institute, whose objective would have been, according to justice and the regional opposition, a means for Laurent Wauquiez to build a presidential status.
These two meetings, financed with public money and on behalf of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, notably took place in the presence of a single political representative – Laurent Wauquiez -, surrounded by a cohort of business leaders. press, business leaders and celebrities. The decision of the Council of State thus confirms the requests of the opposition, which has been trying to obtain more details on these receptions for several months.
The administrative court of Lyon had already, on August 19, ordered the deputy for Haute-Loire and the Region to reveal the official list of guests – a version of which was leaked to the local information site Lyonmag at the end of July – , as well as documents on the organization, at the request of the local socialist group. Notification ignored by the first concerned, who claimed a conflict of interest with another legal procedure in progress, opened by the National Financial Prosecutor’s Office. Laurent Wauquiez, who considers himself the savior of the right for the presidential elections of 2027, has therefore exhausted all his cartridges.
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