HOCKEY. The Roland-Désourdy Sports Pavilion in Cowansville will host the All-Star Game of the Elite Senior Hockey League (LHSE) on January 5, starting at 1 p.m., which will be followed by a skills competition. The LHSE is holding this event as part of its 20th anniversary celebrations.
The league’s ten teams are each expected to send around four players to this friendly game, which would be the first of its kind for the League.
The event is organized by the Coureurs des bois de Cowansville, one of the LHSE teams.
“We hope that it will be an activity for the whole family,” said the manager of Coureurs des bois, Josée Carpentier. We want to attract supporters from everywhere. We are lucky to have five teams nearby, Waterloo, Farnham, Bedford, Saint-Jean and us. We hope that fans will come out to support their players.”
Cowansville was selected based on proximity to other markets, arena capacity and owner interest. Remember that Francis Soucy, Ms. Carpentier’s husband, purchased the team during the last off-season.
“Cowansville has one of the largest arenas in the league,” said Josée Carpentier. The ability to accommodate a larger number of fans is attractive. It was following informal discussions that this came to fruition. We are new, so we are still very dashing and we were tempted to add a layer!”
Two teams will be formed from the forty players selected to participate in the all-star game. They should be led by the coaches of the two teams at the top of the ranking.
Special sweaters will also be created in connection with this event.
Please note, the three periods of the match will only last 10 minutes each.
The exact format of the skills competition remains to be determined.
“We don’t know if it’s going to be something that will come back, but it would be pleasant,” said Josée Carpentier. It remains to be seen if we will be able to attract enough crowds to make it viable. We will be looking for sponsors, of course. If we can do something that looks good, we’d definitely like to do it again.”
The game will be held when approximately two-thirds of the regular season has been completed.
“It was one of the only two Sundays where all the teams had off,” said Ms. Carpentier. The other was the Super Bowl, we didn’t want to compete with that! In the region, it’s educational the next day, so it will be an excellent activity just before starting school again after the holiday break.”
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