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when animals pay the price for impulsive gifts

Every year, many animals given at Christmas end up abandoned. A worrying situation for shelters like the SPA, which regret a lack of reflection before adoption.

Cats and rabbits under the tree… Some animals given at Christmas are immediately abandoned by their new owners. A worrying phenomenon, particularly for Animal Protection Societies (SPA), who fear having to eventually recover these animals.

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“There are still too many unwanted animals under the tree”

At the SPA, many cages were emptied during the Christmas holidays, a period conducive to adoption. Except that the manager, Karine Varlet, fears the weeks to come. “Unfortunately, there are still far too many unwanted animals under the tree which end up ending up at the SPA in January,” she regrets.


Dramatic for these cats, for example, who return to the shelter, continues Mickaël, secretary general of the SPA. “It’s an additional influx of animals. People who receive an animal as a gift, they give other excuses such as an allergy, financial means that they don’t have. It’s difficult for them to admit “, he explains.

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“You have to think before taking an animal”

To avoid this: the association focuses on responsible adoption. “Sometimes people take kittens for toys, to please children… Our job is to explain that we need to think before taking an animal,” says Karine Varlet. Because, some people adopt a cat or a dog compulsively, she concludes, without being aware of the time and resources required. Last year, nearly 20,000 animals were abandoned in .


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