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which student left the adventure this December 28?

Photo credits: Capture TF1
It’s going to get harder and harder, week by week. This Saturday, December 28, following a “carte blanche to students” bonus, a new candidate was eliminated from the “Star Academy”: this time, it came down to Marguerite, unaccustomed to the bench of nominees and Ulysses, who is on the contrary in the hot seat almost every week… and has, until then, always been saved by the public!

Star Academy: the student who leaves the castle one month before the final is…

Now few in number (there were only 6 left during the prime), the students were all able to share a moment with a guest star on the set, even Marguerite and Ulysses. The candidate sang the hit “Soulman” with Ben L’oncle Soul, while Marguerite shared the stage with Maëlle on the title “Flash”. The two students also sang with their friends: Ulysse with Ebony[whorecentlycaughttheeyeofsingerTaycontheiconic“StillLovingyou”fromthegroupScorpionsandMargueritewithFranckon“Seras-tulà”alegendaryandemotionaltitlebyMichelBergerEveryonedefendedtheirplacefromthestartoftheprimeonasolotitleoftheirchoice:”Corps”byYseultforMarguerite(theyoungwoman’sperformancewasfarfromunanimous)and”UTurn(Lili)”byAaronforUlysses[quiarécemmenttapédansl’oeilduchanteurTaycsurl’iconique”StillLovingyou”dugroupeScorpionsetMargueriteavecFrancksur”Seras-tulà”titremythiqueetfortenémotionsdeMichelBergerChacunadéfendusaplacedèsledébutduprimesuruntitreensolodeleurchoix:”Corps”d’YseultpourMarguerite(laprestationdelajeunefemmeaétéloindefairel’unanimité)et”UTurn(Lili)”d’AaronpourUlysse

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After a colorful bonus, it was finally Marguerite who was eliminated. Ulysses was, for the sixth time, saved by the public.

In the rest of the prime, the students offered three collegials: they got everyone to agree on “Lighting the fire” by the captain Johnny Hallyday. The academicians also sang “Basique” by the rapper Orelsan (with a completely reworked text linked to their life at the “Star Academy”) and “On dire”, single taken from Amir Haddad’s second album released in 2016. The students also offered a great show moment with a medley in the colors of the Wild West mixing “Jolene” by Dolly Parton, the festive “Cotton Eye Joe” by Rednex and “Texas Hold’Em” by Beyoncé.

The singer Ycare shared a moment on stage with Ebony, on the title “Animaux fragiles”. The Canadian artist Natasha St-Pier sang her legendary duet “You will find” with Charles, who on this occasion took the place of Pascal Obispo. The artist Linh shared her title “I think of you” with Franck, while Marine delighted all the fans of Lorie Pester while singing with the artist, who has just announced an upcoming tour, a medley of his greatest hits! The young student from was also surprised when she saw her friend Caroline arrive on stage while she sang “I will be (your best friend)” with Lorie Pester.



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