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Garorock 2024: “I love Lot-et-Garonne… The people are so nice here!”, DJ Mosimann in concert last night in Garorock

the essential
Mosimann performed at Garorock this June 27 at 11:10 p.m. on the Wonderland stage. Revealed by the show Star Académie in 2007, meeting with the Swiss DJ and producer, a few hours before his appearance on stage.

You were in concert at the Rugby Club Bon-encontre Boé two weeks ago, you are now at Garorock… It seems that you are in Lot-et-Garonne a lot at the moment!

Mosimann: (laughs). “I love Lot-et-Garonne. I don’t know a single person in a bad mood who lives here! Everyone is very friendly, I almost feel like I’m in Belgium, people are so nice. Except that they’re Belgians who play rugby.”

Even if you know the area, this is a first for Garorock. Not too stressed?

Mosimann: “Yes, it’s the first one. I’m stressed, excited. I can’t wait to go on stage.”

What do you have in store for the public this evening?

Mosimann: “I have planned a unique show, which I will do for the first time this evening. There will be three huge cubes with drums, keyboards, synthesizers, vocals… A sort of laboratory on stage.”

Read also :
“I brought my studio on stage and I create live in front of people”: DJ Mosimann expected at Garorock and Toulouse this summer

How do we attract audiences at festivals?

Mosimann: “Already, I think that’s what I like. Trying to reach out to people who, at the start, are not necessarily there for me by adding little winks, references. I like this challenge, otherwise it’s too easy.”

Are there any artists on this 2024 lineup with whom you would have liked to feature?

Mosimann: “Let’s go straight to it, we have the right to dream… Calvin Harris! He’s one of my modern-day heroes, it’s pretty crazy what he managed to do.”

Who was Mosimann as a teenager?

Mosimann: “I was a bit of a geek. My wildest dream was to make music. My friends wanted to become a doctor, a footballer… I wanted to sing, play the piano, compose. What keeps me going is that today, I still dream.”

A festival memory that particularly marked you?

Mosimann: “Tomorrowland in 2018 did something to me. I was very scared because it’s a big step in a DJ career. I remember being behind the stage, I knew I was going to play and there was no one there. Four minutes before I started, I saw people arriving with Swiss, French, Breton flags… I said to myself wow, the French speakers came en masse! In the end I was wrong to be scared, because it was incredible.”

Are there any DJs that inspire you among the lineup?

Mosimann: “I really like Rivo’s work. He is one of the young people who are shaking up the codes, I like the way he said to himself: I’m not going to ask to do the remix, I’m going to do the remix and he It had guts, because that’s exactly what happened, and today it’s one of the best festival lineups.”


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