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Matthieu Bloch absentee ballots in Doubs, what we know

The ballot of Matthieu Bloch, candidate of the Union of the extreme right (Les Républicains – Rassemblement national) in the 3rd constituency of Doubs, is missing from the official letters sent to voters. A situation that questions the candidate, who denounces a “democratic dysfunction”.

For two days, Matthieu Bloch has never stopped wondering. 48 hours before the legislative elections, the candidate of the Union of the far right (Les Républicains-Rassemblement national) in the 3rd constituency of Doubs says in fact that he has “received hundreds of messages“, all telling him the same thing: his ballot paper is missing from the traditional letters sent by state services to all voters, before the election.

Matthieu Bloch, candidate of the far-right union and Nicolas Pacquot, candidate Together! (Presidential majority) and outgoing deputy

© France 3 Franche-Comté

It makes no sense” tries to explain the mayor of Colombier Fontaine to France 3 Franche-Comté.”It’s the same situation everywhere, throughout the constituency. The citizens received my profession of faith, as well as those of Mr. Pacquot or Ms. Dayet, with their ballot. But no trace of mine“.

This is a real democratic dysfunction. A break in equality between candidates, likely to create confusion among voters.

Matthieu Bloch,

LR-RN candidate in the 3rd constituency of Doubs

The candidate swears, he did everything on time.We had until June 18, at 6 p.m., to deliver all our documents to the company 3ma group, in Rouffach, Alsace.” he said. “The communications agency that I had mandated assures me that it delivered on time, I don’t understand where this could have gone wrong“.

Contacted, the agency in question, Elephant Com & Events, certifies, with supporting photos and documents, having delivered more than 140,000 documents at 4:32 p.m., an hour and a half before the deadline. “We had three pallets: one of professions of faith, one of ballots for the mail, and another with the ballots for the town halls” they explain to us.

However, Olivier Tschirhart, director of 3ma Group, also contacted by France 3 Franche-Comté, assures “having only counted on these order forms received two pallets concerning Matthieu Bloch, including one of bulletins. But I saw the photos showing the 3rd pallet in our warehouse.”

We received more than 600 pallets, more than 2.7 million documents, with constant truck trips. It is possible that they have been moved, or removed. I am sorry about this situation.

Olivier Tschirhart,

3ma Group manager

According to our information, the Doubs Prefecture is currently doing its own research. In the meantime, Matthieu Bloch, candidate of the Union of the far right in the 3rd constituency of Doubs, is waiting “that the prefecture communicates with citizens, so that they are informed of this information and do not make mistakes“.

That’s to say ? “We have a lot of proxies this year“says the candidate.”The risk would be that some people would put my profession of faith in the official envelope, instead of the ballot paper at the town hall, which would render the vote null and void.“. The candidate would like to point out that the ballot papers present at the town hall on June 30 will be the only documents authorized to vote for him.

► ALSO READ: 2024 Legislative Elections. “It’s going to be a split”: Matthieu Bloch will be the Les Républicains candidate supported by the RN in the 3rd constituency of Doubs

And if Matthieu Bloch does not want to cry scandal, “nor enter into the conspiracy theory of the rigged election“, he confirms to us his intention to have this June 28, before a bailiff, the absence of his ballot paper noted. “I don’t know if this will affect the results of the vote.” he concluded. “But we give ourselves the right to appeal to the Constitutional Council, taking into account this incident“.


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