DayFR Euro

Inflation: price increases slow again in June, to 2.1% over one year

Prices that continue to increase on the shelves, but less quickly. The consumer price index increased by 2.1% year-on-year in France in June, in slight decline after 2.3% over a year in May, indicated INSEE on Friday in a press release. Over one month, inflation is “almost stable” since it stood at 0.1% between May and June after having been zero between April and May, specifies INSEE.

Inflation thus resumes its slow decline after a slight bump in May, where it had progressed by 0.1 points compared to the month of April, (2.2% over one year). In June 2023, it still reached 4.5%.

Energy and food prices are increasing less quickly

The decline observed in June can be explained both by a “slowdown” in the rise in energy and food prices, and an evolution at the same pace as in May prices of tobacco, manufactured products and services, details the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies in this first estimate.

The cost of food products rose 0.8% year-on-year in June, compared to 1.3% in May. The one of energy for its part grew by 4.8%, as he progressed still 5.7% a month earlier.

The price of services – a component that accounts for more than half of the consumer price index – rose by 2.8% year-on-year in June, the same figure as in May.

The price of tobacco increased by 8.7% as in May while that of the manufactured products remained stable.


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