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during the debate, Olivier Faure defends an economic recovery through demand, Gabriel Attal believes that strong wage increases would cost businesses too much

Olivier Faure defends an economic recovery through demand, Gabriel Attal believes that strong wage increases would cost businesses too much

“Spain has increased the minimum wage by 47%”, supports Olivier Faure to defend the salary increases included in the New Popular Front program. The minimum wage today mainly concerns “women raising children alone”he insists.

To help SMEs and VSEs, says Mr. Faure, “We will create a balance between large and small businesses” for a better distribution of public aid, for the benefit of “those who need to get the economic machine going again.” “What they lack is popular consumption,” he adds, defending an economic recovery through demand.

Gabriel Attal instead supports the systematic increase of retirement pensions. ” It’s the law… “, Mr. Faure points out to him. The Prime Minister believes that a sharp increase in wages is not sustainable for businesses because it would increase their costs, and attacks the economic program of his adversaries: “We’re going to lower all VAT rates, and as if by magic it will be financed?” quips Gabriel Attal, who repeats that he has no intention of increasing taxes.

Mr. Bardella, for his part, mentions France’s deficit. How are you going to resolve it?, the Prime Minister asks him in essence. By putting an end to immigration, replies the president of the RN.

Olivier Faure, who accuses Gabriel Attal of having “emptied the state coffers”this ” to assume ” a tax increase for “the super-rich”. On the other hand, he continues, “I don’t want middle-class and working-class French people to pay more taxes”The Prime Minister partly justifies the debt by the aid granted during the Covid-19 epidemic. “It’s normal that people who have less pay less, and those who have more pay more”insists the boss of the PS.


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