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2024 legislative elections: what does the pin in the shape of a red triangle that Manuel Bompard wore on his jacket during the debate mean?

During the legislative debate, a parallel debate tore up social networks about the pin worn by Manuel Bompard, former LFI deputy representing the New Popular Front during this debate.

This Tuesday, June 25, Manuel Bompard wore a pin in the shape of a red triangle on his jacket. A small symbol which gave rise to great discussions, notably on X, formerly Twitter. Several Internet users have criticized the New Popular Front candidate for displaying support for Hamas, or even a symbol of “hatred of Israel,” with this pin.

Except that this little red triangle originally has nothing to do with international news, or even with religion. It is a symbol of claim. On the Insoumission website, the France Insoumise news platform, an entire article is dedicated to this symbol.

Workers’ and anti-fascist struggle

Workers at the end of the 19th century used this geometric shape with three equal sides to claim “eight hours of work, eight hours of sleep, eight hours of leisure”. As for the color, it is that “from the determination to fight for one’s dignity until bloodshed”we can still read.

Another use of this triangle was made later, during World War II. The red triangle was one of the various distinctions that could be sewn on detainees deported to concentration camps. In addition to the star which designated the Jews, there were in fact pink triangles for homosexuals, brown ones for Gypsies and even red ones for political opponents.

Used by Hamas?

Several personalities, however, have focused on the meaning of this red triangle, which would no longer have the same significance since October 7. This is the case, for example, of journalist Jean Quatremer, who believes that this triangle is “which has become since October 7 the symbol of Palestinian Islamists in Gaza. or Raphaël Enthoven, which goes so far as to qualify this symbol “calling for the murder of Jews”.

The red triangle is the symbol of anti-fascist resistance, in memory of the political deportees who wore it.

I’ve been wearing it for almost 10 years.

Your tweet is an absolutely despicable act of intent.

— Manuel Bompard (@mbompard)

The Huffington Post confirms that in some Palestinian militias, the red triangle symbol is used, as are many others.

However, this triangle is, according to its historical significance, erected as a symbol of the workers’ struggle and the fight against fascism. Manuel Bompard himself recalled the origin of this triangle on X, to respond to the accusations aimed at him. “The red triangle is the symbol of anti-fascist resistance, in memory of the political deportees who wore it. I have worn it for almost 10 years. Your tweet is an absolutely despicable trial of intent”he writes.

Manuel Bompard, but also Jean-Luc Mélenchon, have been wearing this pin for years, well before the start of the war between Hamas and Israel, triggered by the attacks of October 7.


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