DayFR Euro

Weather report. Flood and rain-flood vigilance: 9 departments in orange

Météo-France still placed several departments on alert this Friday, even if the red alert was lifted in Mayenne and Maine-et-Loire, now on orange flood alert, the day after a historic flood of the Oudon in Craon (Mayenne), where the town center was dry again this morning.

The Minister of Ecological Transition Christophe Béchu is due to go there in the morning, in particular to meet the victims and the emergency services and visit the affected areas.

Eighteen people evacuated due to flooding were welcomed into the municipal campsite. Others were housed with relatives.

Seven departments still on alert

In Cossé-le-Vivien (Mayenne), some 182 mm of water fell in 36 hours, the equivalent of three months of precipitation. In addition to Mayenne, Météo France downgraded Maine-et-Loire this Friday morning to orange alert for floods, a level which also concerns Isère, Yonne and Nièvre.

Seven departments are on orange “rain-flood” vigilance across the country: Hautes-Alpes, Eure-et-Loir, Isère, Loir-et-Cher, Loiret, Sarthe and Savoie.

In Isère, around a hundred people must be evacuated by helicopter this Friday from the hamlet of La Bérarde, in the town of Saint-Christophe-en-Oisans, isolated since the departmental road was cut by a torrential flood of the Vénéon torrent, the day before, according to the prefecture.


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