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the story recorded by investigators of the ordeal of a 12-year-old girl

What happened on Saturday June 15 in Courbevoie (Hauts-de-Seine)? On Tuesday June 18, three adolescents aged 12 to 13 were indicted, as part of an open judicial investigation, on charges of “aggravated rape, aggravated sexual assault, attempted extortion, privacy, death threats, violence and insults, these last two offenses being aggravated by their commission because of the victim’s affiliation to a religion. They are suspected of having attacked a 12-year-old Jewish girl. A news item which arouses strong emotion from the Jewish community and unanimous condemnation from the political class.

The story of ” Calvary “ of this teenager, according to the term used by the police in their report (PV), of which The world has become aware of, is untenable. This document retraces the statements collected directly from the victim and the findings made by police officers at the scene of the alleged events.

The facts therefore date back to Saturday June 15, when S. (all initials have been changed), who will be 13 years old in a month, left the family home to find his friend R., around 3 p.m. The two young people spent nearly two hours together in a park in Courbevoie before the boy accompanied his friend to a square located near her home. It is at this moment that S. meets three other boys, two of them barely older than her.

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P., who appears to be the leader of the small group, orders him to stay with them and, faced with the refusal of the S., who fears that his parents will be worried because of his delay, becomes more urgent. He then grabs his arm and leads him towards a vast building of 1,000 square meters, an abandoned nursery, where the ” Calvary “ will begin.

According to the teenager’s account, P. begins by asking her questions about her religion – her family is Jewish – and asks her in particular why she would “hidden”. “She said she wanted to protect herself in order to avoid any aggression”, note, in their report, the officials, who returned to the scene the same evening in the company of the victim. The first blows begin to rain. The first insults too. “Dirty Jew”she says she hears.

Diving into “horror”

Still according to the account recorded by the police, she was thrown to the ground, her hair was pulled, a lighter was lit near her cheek, then a bag containing her identity documents was burned and a bottle of water was emptied on the body – on site, technical and scientific police investigators found a bottle and charred debris. Undressed “by force”, she is then raped several times. After which, the police write again, the young boy who appears throughout the story as the leader of the trio “threatened the victim to death if she spoke to the police” and arranged to meet him the next day, at 4 p.m., ordering him to give him a sum of 200 euros, “otherwise misfortune would happen to him and his family”.

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