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World Refugee Day 2024 – FCJ Refugee Center

Today we celebrate World Refugee Day, an international day established by the United Nations to honor refugees around the world. It takes place every year on June 20 and highlights the rights, needs and dreams of those who are forced to flee their homes.

This year, World Refugee Day focuses on solidarity with refugees. The slogan for the 2024 edition is: “For a world that welcomes refugees. »

These people need our solidarity, today more than ever. Showing solidarity means keeping our doors open, recognizing the strengths and achievements of refugees, and reflecting on the challenges they face.

The United Nations states that “standing in solidarity with people forced to flee also means seeking solutions to their situation: ending conflicts so they can return home safely, ensuring they have the opportunity to rebuild within the communities that welcomed them, and provide host countries with the means they need to welcome and assist refugees. »

June 20, World Refugee Day, is a day dedicated to honoring the strength, resilience and courage of millions of refugees around the world. And today, we continue to face the pressing reality of forced displacement.

The refugee crisis is not just a distant problem, but a global challenge that demands collective action.

The FCJ Refugee Center’s commitment goes beyond just words: we stand in solidarity with refugees, advocating together for peace, justice and a world where everyone can live without fear and persecution.

–Tsering Lhamo, Co-Executive Director, FCJ Refugee Center


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