DayFR Euro

Ball and songs of yesterday and today with Diluvienne

Thanks to a partnership between one of the cultural centers of the Bigourdan capital, Gespe with the Scène de Musiques Actuelles (SMAC) label and the cultural center of the Adour-Madiran community of communes, the concept of residences is developing in the region. Thus, with the polyphonic trio Diluvienne meeting audiences of all generations including that of the Pierre Mendès-France school campus. On the theme of the ball, its songs, its dances, cultural heritage for some, the collection of stories and documents, evolution…. In workshops and until restitution! A residency and a concert of which Patricia Maillard, professor of musical education in the establishment, indicates the objectives and feelings. “The aim was to question the place of the ball in our contemporary daily lives: where does it still exist? What is its link with tradition? How has it been transformed (in the nightclub, social networks , urban dances, etc.) and how were we able to reinvent it to make it our own? So many questions that the three speakers (Orion, Nourelaïn and Marine) addressed with the students and interns through different singing workshops? and dance. Workshops “intense in concentration for sixth grade students but who are invested despite the language barrier, to listen to themselves and others and the big challenge of taking over the space through dance”. The restitution in front of the mobile stage in the courtyard of the school campus was a moment of exchange where emotion competed with pleasure.


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