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VIDEO. Mayenne: impressive images of a huge fire on an industrial site near Sablé-sur-Sarthe


Julie Hurisse

Published on

June 19, 2024 at 5:07 p.m.

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Extensive firevisible from several kilometers around, was triggered in a building of the Nortene company, formerly Celloplast, in Val-du-Maine (Mayenne), small town about ten kilometers from Sablé-sur-Sarthethis Wednesday June 19, 2024.

The firefighters were called around 2 p.m. for a fire in a storage building of the gardening products company (tarpaulins, garden landscaping, etc.). The flames and the cloud of smoke were quickly impressive.

27 people evacuated, one firefighter injured

According to Julien Héreau, responsible for operations in the company 25 people, out of the 100 employed by the company, were working in the area when the fire broke out. They were all evacuated, there were no casualties.

A firefighter was injured. “He received a small incandescent element by projection. He was transported in an emergency relating to the Château-Gontier emergencies,” explains the commander. David Mansonhead of operations for the firefighters.

50 firefighters are on site to fight the fire. ©Thomas Cherbonnel/Les Nouvelles de Sablé
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70 firefighters on site and 30 engines

70 firefighters, notably from the emergency centers of Meslay-du-Maine, Bouère, Vaiges, Sablé-sur-Sarthe, Sainte-Suzanne, Saint-Berthevin, les Deux Rives, Montsûrs, Château-Gontier, Laval, Andouillé, Cossé- le-Vivien and Evron, are mobilized to fight the flames. 30 machines are involved.

Smoke from the fire is visible for several kilometers around. ©Thomas Cherbonnel/Les Nouvelles de Sablé

9,000 m2 gone up in smoke

The building of 21,000 m2 is divided into seven blocks of 3,000 m2. To this is added another cell of 3,000 m2 under construction. “Four cells are on fire, representing 10,000 m2 of buildings,” continues Commander David Manson.

Our action consists of preserving the company’s administrative buildings and the fifth cell. We are here for the long term, we are there for at least 24 hours.

Commander David Manson

Reinforcements are expected to “surround the fire and contain it”.

The fire threatens the other buildings. ©Thomas Cherbonnel/Les Nouvelles de Sablé

What toxicity?

As for the toxicity of the fumes, they have not yet been determined. “Analyses are underway.”

Municipal officials are on site to supply the firefighters with bottles of water and meal trays.

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