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Assises Liège – The civil party denounces a murder committed by Fabrice Luaza

The civil party’s lawyers pleaded on Wednesday before the Liège Assize Court at the trial of Fabrice Luaza Mvuama and Benamine Bologna. Me Lamy and Me Wilmotte insisted on the characterization of murder charged against the main accused in the death of little Bradley.

The events took place on August 2, 2020 in Liège. Fabrice Luaza Mvuama, a 35-year-old Congolese, is suspected of having killed Bradley Wawa Bologna (5 years old) by punching him in the stomach. He is also accused of assault and battery on his partner. The latter, Benamine Bologna, an Italian aged 28, is accused of having failed to come to the aid of her son who was exposed to serious danger.

For the civil party’s lawyers, Fabrice Luaza must be declared guilty of having committed the murder of little Bradley. They also consider that Benamine Bologna must be declared guilty of failure to assist a person in danger.

Me Audrey Lamy spoke of a real killing of little Bradley by evoking the acts committed by Fabrice Luaza. By acting as he did, on a 5 year old child, he must have been aware that death could occur. The lawyer explained that the file reveals that Fabrice Luaza is a liar who has given countless different versions since the beginning of the investigation.

The civil party also mentioned the egocentric personality of the accused, who first mentioned a fall from a bicycle to justify the facts. He even talked about witchcraft and how the child had died to cause him trouble. “Everything revolves around him. He tries to get out of it, because that’s the only thing that matters,” lamented the lawyer.

The civil party further highlighted the violence of the accused, as demonstrated by his criminal record and the statements of his family members. “He has no respect for human life. The children spoke of the context of violence. He hit a pregnant woman. On the day of the incident, it was because Bradley woke him up that he suffered his wrath,” insisted Me Lamy.

Me Alexandre Wilmotte pleaded “in favor of an innocent child, who no longer has life and voice to express his sadness and despair. He was in good shape when he woke up and far from imagining and perceiving that it is precisely his joy of living which would arouse the anger and violence of Fabrice Luaza Bradley was snatched from life by an unacceptable act of violence perpetrated by the one who was supposed to watch over him. It is a cowardly crime. ‘lawyer.

The civil party considered that we must put an end to Fabrice Luaza’s lies and make him face his responsibilities by declaring him guilty of murder.


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