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Video. “Who can get my parrot stuck in the trees… in Ruelle? »

“First I heard a very nice song. I really felt like I was in the jungle.” In Ruelle-sur-Touvre, Mickaël Bonifacio may have found Kinou, the parrot who disappeared three months ago, in the Grande Garenne sector. “Found” is not the right word. “Heard” and “seen” are more accurate. Because the bird flies from branch to branch, to the top of the trees near the retirement home. “First I recorded the sound of the animal […] then I took photos,” explains the Ruellois. “And I remembered an article I saw in CL.”

The editorial team advises you

“Indeed, it could be Kinou,” says Maïté Desabre, his “mom”, who, following the testimony of Mickaël Bonifacio, went to the foot of the trees where he was located. “We don’t see it. It remains in the area but changes location, always perched very high up.”

“No means for that”

Who can intervene to recover the exotic bird? Maïté Desabre asks us the question. And it must be admitted, there is a kind of artistic blur. As for the Charente firefighters, the Kinou case does not fit into the boxes. “We have an animal rescue group but it is there to help animals in danger, like this horse that recently came out of a stream in South Charente,” explains the SDIS communications department. So of course, we sometimes see firefighters deploying the large ladder to look for a cat stuck in a tree, but this is not a priority mission. “We intervene when an animal is stuck, injured, immobile. This parrot is not static, it’s complicated to organize an intervention.”

The editorial team advises you

At Charente Nature, Jean Bernaben is categorical: “This is not our responsibility”. The Torsac rescue center is competent to rescue animals in distress. But he will not intervene in this case for two reasons: 1/parrot does not seem injured. 2/Its presence does not represent any danger for passers-by. Same speech to the Bird Protection League (LPO). “Our centers are only authorized to recover wild animals,” announces Noémie Furon.

This parrot is not static, an intervention is complicated

This bird, because it belongs to an individual, is a domestic animal. “LPO does not, moreover, have a dedicated service to recover animals,” adds the manager. Volunteers intervene “in rare cases, if available, to help”. But the League does not have the equipment and solutions “to catch a bird that flies well”.

It is undoubtedly Kinou, the parrot who disappeared almost three months ago in the Grande Garenne district.

Repro CL

Clearly, if the parrot had a broken wing, if it was a snake or a wild beast, there would be a general mobilization. In this matter, it is up to the goodwill of institutions or communities. Kinou’s owner can only count on a good Samaritan who will agree to climb the trees. In the meantime, we may still hear the cracking, screeching or chattering (the cries of parrots) for some time around the Ruelle retirement home.


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