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Who is Sabrina Ali Benali, candidate of the new Popular Front facing the dissident Alexis Corbière?

Sabrina Ali Benali, author of the work The revolt of an internwas invested by the new Popular Front in the seventh constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis for the legislative elections from Sunday June 30 and July 7.

A field activist for many years, the candidacy of this emergency doctor, who became a whistleblower, embodies the expansion of the New Popular Front to union, association and civil society forces. Our article.

Sabrina Ali Benali: whistleblower on the demolition of the public hospital

Insoumission already presented her to you in 2021, when she joined Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s Popular Union. Sabrina Ali Benali made herself known in 2017 with a rant that was massively relayed on social networks against the then socialist health minister, Marisol Touraine. In this video, which reached 11 million views in less than a week on Facebook, the young Parisian general medicine intern criticized the minister for inappropriate comments in the face of an emergency situation in hospitals.

For further : Portrait – Sabrina Ali Benali, the author of “the revolt of an intern”, joins Mélenchon

It’s a state of emergency every day in hospitals, Madam Minister. ! » she declared. The minister had asked that we “postpone the least urgent operations to open beds”. Four years before the country’s health crash in the face of covid, she was already denouncing the closures of hospital beds and the exhaustion of health personnel. In 20 years, more than 20,000 hospital beds have been eliminated, and these closures still continue today.

For further : 21,000 bed cuts in 5 years: Macron’s carnage at the public hospital

The success of this intervention earned him an invitation to France Inter and articles in the national press. Proof that his intervention had been right, the guard dogs immediately retaliated. The general director of the AP-HP, relayed by Patrick Cohen, tried to make people believe that she did not work at the AP-HP, but in a private, non-profit hospital.

But it takes more to discourage her: In 2018, she published a book, “The revolt of an intern”. She recounts her experience as a caregiver and evokes the immense flaws that crack the hospital institution: from the training of doctors, which neglects the relationship with patients, to the operating system inspired by the company, incapable of providing correct and humane care. . In the years that followed, she continued to fight to preserve the public hospital from the capitalist bargaining that ravaged our health system, got involved in the caregiver protests that took place during the covid crisis, and continued to contribute to the Common Future Health booklet.

Invested by the new Popular Front for the legislative elections

Invested in Montreuil Bagnolet, the candidacy of Sabrina Ali Benali does not appeal to everyone. On France Info, the outgoing deputy expressed all his contempt for the emergency doctor, refusing to respect the agreement signed by all left-wing political groups for “people we don’t even know,” he declared. .

The dissident MP has already received a certain amount of support which says a lot about his political strategy, starting with that of Prisca Thévenot. A few days before June 9, Le Canard Enchaîné revealed a statement from Alexis Corbière, very critical of the presence of Rima Hassan in the European LFI campaign: “Until now, I couldn’t say anything, but, after (the ballot), I will speak” he warned with a critical air.

Thing done: the dissident deputy has been on television since last Friday to focus his shots on Sabrina Ali Benali and Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Isn’t the priority to fight against the National Rally, two weeks before an election which could see Jordan Bardella arrive at Matignon? For Alexis Corbière, Raquel Garrido and their dissident friends, the answer is clear: it’s a big no.

Sabrina Ali Benali will have to fight hard to win this constituency bringing together Montreuil and Bagnolet. But there is no doubt that she will be supported by a strong mobilization of working-class neighborhoods and young people, as evidenced by the images of her campaign launch, and the numerous messages of support she receives on X (formerly Twitter).
The announcement was overshadowed by the whining of Alexis Corbière and his cronies, whose nomination was not renewed.

The socialist baron-in-the-making has spent more time over the past two years plotting with social democrats to sabotage the Popular Union, and shedding crocodile tears on TV than working to defend the working classes. The press also revealed the dissidents’ plan: to build an axis that would go from “Clément Beaune to Alexis Corbière”. Understand: prepare all the renunciations. It should be remembered here that no mandate is awarded for life, and that on the contrary it is earned. Betrayal, scheming and political calculation clearly no longer have their place in rebellious France.

One thing is certain, the election of Sabrina Ali Benali on July 7 would be good news for the inhabitants of her constituency, who will be able to count on a new combative MP to represent them against the macronie and the extreme right, but also for all of France, as the expertise of this doctor will be useful in reversing the destruction of the public hospital, and rebuilding a health service serving the general interest and patients.


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