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Eight members of the Anglican Church burned to death, two missing

burnt bus in Zimbabwe

A tragic accident claimed the lives of eight Anglican pilgrims, who burned to death when their bus caught fire on the way back from the annual Bernard Mizeki festival, African Christian missionary and martyr. Police confirmed this shocking incident which also left two people missing and more than 50 injured, including 14 hospitalized.

Police spokesperson Paul Nyathi told “ We are on scene and I can confirm that eight people died in the accident. Two people are also missing. DNA tests will soon be carried out before the names of the deceased are published. » Indeed, the fire made the deceased people unrecognizable.

The bus, belonging to the Passion Link company, was carrying pilgrims returning from the annual pilgrimage to the tomb of Bernard Mizeki, a Christian martyr and missionary of the last century, in Marondera. This event attracts thousands of Anglican worshipers from Zimbabwe, the South African region and beyond.

A tragic accident

The accident occurred near Gandanzara, Rusape, on the night of June 16, 2024. President of the National Shrines, Rev. Father Edwin Selemani, said 14 people were hospitalized, including three in critical condition.

The Zimbabwe Police Force (ZRP) also confirmed the accident in a post on their official X page, saying that an investigation is underway to determine the circumstances of this tragedy.


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