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Why is Donald Trump Pro-Crypto?

Updated June 13. 2024 at 11:56 a.m.

The presidential campaign is taking a new turn with Trump’s craze for crypto.

The issue has become a focal point for the former president’s party that could very well lead him back to the White House.

But why this change of opinion for D. Trump? Explanations of the situation and its interests!

The importance of cryptocurrencies in American politics

In the United States, cryptocurrencies receive mixed reactions.

On the one hand, they represent significant financial innovation, but on the other, they often face strict regulation.

There Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) frequently takes an aggressive approach towards cryptocurrency exchanges and businesses.

Major players like Ripple, Kraken and Binance US have paid the price, finding themselves under fire from regulators.

However, all is not doom and gloom for cryptos in the USA.

Recently, the Bitcoin Spot ETF And Ethereum Spot ETF were approved, marking significant progress.

This approval paves the way for better integration of cryptocurrencies into the traditional financial landscape.

Financial institutions can now access crypto-assets more easilywhich could change the situation in the long term.

In this context of transformation, cryptocurrencies are making a notable entry into the American presidential campaign.

They have become a central topic, forcing candidates to clearly display their opinions on the issue.

Each candidate sees cryptos as an opportunity toattract a new electorate.

Indeed, the pro-crypto crowd, made up mainly of young people and technophiles, represents a significant share of voters.

Trump/Biden candidates are looking to capitalize on this crypto trend.

By integrating cryptocurrencies into their speeches, they hope not only to attract the voices of technology enthusiasts, but also to demonstrate their openness to financial opportunities.

This strategy could prove decisive in an election where every vote counts.

Candidates must now juggling the expectations of regulators and those of pro-crypto voters.

It’s a delicate balance, but essential for anyone who wants to access the White House.

Thus, the emergence of cryptocurrencies in the presidential campaign is a phenomenon to follow closely.

Their growing presence reflects a profound shift in the political and economic landscape of the United States.

And as Trump crypto and other candidates align with these new realities, the future of cryptos in America paradoxically seems more uncertain, but also more promising than ever.

Donald Trump and cryptos

Donald Trump was the first to put cryptocurrencies at the forefront of the American political scene.

In January 2024, he launched a collection of NFT bearing his image.

Although NFTs have lost popularity since 2022, this initiative marked a turning point.

Trump later reinforced his pro-crypto stance during a television interview.

He opened the door to cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, saying that if these assets could help make the United States “ Great Again“, there was no reason to ban them.

In May, Trump announced that he would accept cryptocurrency donations to fund his campaign.

In reality, he has been accumulating cryptos since the end of 2022, depending on the platform Arkham Intelligence.

Currently, his crypto portfolio is estimated at nearly 10 million dollars.

It mainly contains Maga (TRUMP) for around 7 million dollars, ETH for more than a million, and another million in memecoins bearing his image.

Additionally, Trump managed to raise $12 million from crypto players based in Silicon Valley.

This strategy shows a significant shift from his anti-crypto stances during his presidency.

Today, Trump presents himself as the “ President of Crypto“.

He clearly distinguishes himself from his competitor Joe Biden, who remains cautious on the subject of cryptocurrencies.

Trump and crypto is no longer just a far-fetched idea, but a reality.

In one of the last interviews, he declared that he wanted the United States “manufactures” Bitcoin.

In other words, he wants the USA to become a predominant hub in the mining of crypto-assets.

Thus, Donald Trump, once a skeptic, became a fervent supporter of cryptos.

Its recent actions show a clear desire to integrate cryptocurrencies into its political agenda.

But why is he suddenly making it his hobby horse?

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Why is Trump taking a pro-crypto stance?

Analyzing the reasons behind Donald Trump’s pro-crypto stance reveals several motivations.

Politically, cryptocurrencies allow it to mobilize a young and tech-savvy electorate.

In the United States, approximately 17% of adults own cryptowhich represents millions of potential voters.

Crypto adoption across the world in 2023

This segment of the population, often disenchanted with traditional financial systems, sees in Trump an ally capable of promoting innovation and challenging the status quo.

From an economic point of view, Trump perceives the growth and innovation potential of cryptocurrencies.

Cryptos offer unique development opportunities for the American economy.

They allow diversify investment portfolios and D’encourage technological innovation.

By embracing cryptocurrencies, Trump hopes to boost the economy and attract foreign investment.

On the personal side, we saw it, Trump defends his own interests of investors owning crypto-assets.

Remember that he has a well-stocked wallet and that several memecoins have been launched in his image.

Finally, strategically, Trump’s pro-crypto position allows him to differentiate himself from his direct competitor, Joe Biden.

Biden, who has always adopted a cautious approach to cryptos, thus loses the opportunity to capture this dynamic electorate.

The latter also displays more restrictive measures with regard to mining for example, where it has implemented a 30% tax against minors living in the country.

Trump, crypto in hand, presents himself as the candidate of change and modernitycontrasting with the more traditional image of Biden.

In conclusion, Donald Trump’s pro-crypto strategy is based on several pillars.

It aims to attract a young and tech-savvy electorate, to exploit the economic potential of cryptocurrencies and to distance itself from Joe Biden.

By taking this approach, Trump hopes to strengthen his electoral base and increase his chances of success in the next election.

This direction marks a notable development in American politics, where cryptocurrencies play an increasingly important role and could even allow D. Trump to win the elections next November.


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