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How does it end and (SPOILER) is he alive? The end of the Netflix series explained

It’s always difficult to say goodbye to a series that we followed for several years, but when the fiction answers our questions and offers a beautiful ending, the pill goes down more easily. This is for example the case with Sweet Tooth, a lovely family and fantastic fable adapted from the eponymous comics by Jeff Lemire, which has just ended on Netflix after three seasons full of adventure and emotion. From the start of the series, we discover that a deadly pandemic is spreading and that a new species, called hybrids, half-animal, half-human children, have appeared. During the last season, because yes, there will be no fourth salvo on the streaming platform, the heroes are looking for a cave that could answer their questions. If you don’t understand everything, Tele-Leisure explains the ending of the fiction to you. Warning, the rest of this article contains many spoilers!

Sweet Tooth season 3: what is in the cave and what is the cause of the disease and the hybrids?

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The story of season 3 of Sweet Tooth primarily revolves around the search for the cave where James Thacker’s actions marked the start of the disease. Gus and Dr. Singh each had a vision of this place and hope to find answers there, but also a solution. However, they do not have the same interpretation. Singh thinks he must go there with Gus in order to sacrifice him, which would give him the vaccine to the epidemic and put an end to hybrid births. In this cave, there is a huge tree with antlers instead of branches. We therefore discover what are the origins of the disease that strikes humans and what is actually linked to James Thacker. We learn that the latter stuck an ax in the tree and extracted the red sap. He thought it could cure his degenerative disease, but also all other illnesses. However, it had the opposite effect because this sap caused the disease that killed his team and allowed the creation of a new species: hybrids. With James Thacker’s story, we learn that Gus is ultimately not the first hybrid to come into the world. The first being the Caribou Man.

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Who dies in season 3 of Sweet Tooth ?

Years later, Gus’s mother Birdie and her team of scientists found the virus, leading to the development of the original plot of Sweet Tooth. In season 3 of the series, Gus finds his mother and goes to this famous cave with her and Jepperd. Unfortunately, so did Zhang and Singh. There, Singh prepares to stab the young hybrid but Birdie intervenes, takes the blow in his place and dies. Later, Zhang removes the ax from the tree thinking to save humans and that it would especially stop hybrid births. But when the sap gushes out, all nearby humans fall to the ground and are contaminated by the virus. Gus uses a torch and burns the tree in order to stop the process. As the tree burns, and eventually dies, the humans heal. When the cave collapses, Singh throws himself at Gus to prevent a rock from falling on him. Although he is the one who ultimately finds himself crushed, he accepts his fate and even finds some redemption there. With the tree destroyed, it is up to nature to decide who will be born in the future, humans or hybrids. In voice-over, the narrator (James Brolin), who happens to be Old Gus, reveals to us that in the days that followed, the human survivors would be the last. Hybrids have now inherited the Earth and future births will give rise to hybrids.

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Who is the narrator in Sweet Tooth and what happens to Gus and Wendy at the end of season 3?

During the struggle in the cave, Jepperd was stabbed by Zhang. After escaping, Gros Balèze has difficulty breathing and appears very weak. He rests against a rock and asks Gus to tell him a story. The latter runs and tells the story of young hybrids building a village and thus creating a new community. Throughout his speech, his voice becomes that of the narrator, who is in reality Gus in his elderly version. We discover that old Gus is in a relationship with Wendy. Together they had many children. We also learn that it is the elderly Gus who tells the story of the three seasons of Sweet Tooth to his grandchildren, all hybrids. If we are touched by this ending, we become more and more worried about Jepperd. Did he die following the battle in the cave? If everything seems to show that this is the case, towards the last seconds, a scene between Gus and Big Guy outside a cabin in Yellowstone, while young hybrids work and laugh in the distance, is revealed. A sequence which gives hope and leaves doubt.

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Does Jepperd (Gros Balèze) survive the end of season 3 of Sweet Tooth ?

Is this moment between Gus and Jepperd real? In the American press, creator Jim Mickle said it was a good question and that he would let viewers make up their own minds. Nonso Anozie, the interpreter of Jepperd, shared his opinion: “Honestly, I feel like it’s up to you. I feel like what you’re seeing is the story Gus is telling, and that’s not necessarily what happened. I think Gus would have liked him [Jepperd] come back“. As for Christian Convery, the interpreter of Gus, he has a more decided opinion: “As Gus told the story, I saw signs that [Jepperd] wouldn’t make it. But again, this can go either way, with anyone“. The mystery therefore remains complete! However, if it is up to the viewers to interpret this scene, we prefer to choose life. For us, Jepperd is not dead!

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