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who is the former vice-president of LR, candidate on Marion Maréchal’s list?

Guillaume Peltier was a major recruit for Eric Zemmour’s party in 2022. He is ranked 2nd on the Reconquest list! in the European elections.

The Reconquest list! is playing big in these European elections: Eric Zemmour’s party hopes to win its first elected seats thanks to this election. Among those best placed to be elected is Guillaume Peltier, in 2nd position on the list just behind Marion Maréchal. The executive vice-president of Reconquest! has never yet sat in the European Parliament, but he has already had several mandates, having learned his lessons on the right of government.

Rallying to Zemmour in 2022

Guillaume Peltier was born in Paris into a middle-class family. At the age of 20, he made a brief stint in the National Front, before following Bruno Mégret in the split that gave birth to the MNR. He then campaigned for a time in Philippe de Villiers’ Movement for France, before joining the UMP in 2009 (party which became Les Républicains in 2015). He established himself in Loir-et-Cher, where he was notably mayor of Neung-sur-Beuvron from 2014 to 2017. It was in this department that he was elected deputy in 2017. He became vice-president of LR in 2019.

On January 9, 2022, Guillaume Peltier announced on Europe 1 that he was joining Eric Zemmour’s campaign for the presidential election. A valuable rallying point for the candidate who calls for the union of the rights. Guillaume Peltier quickly became Eric Zemmour’s spokesperson and executive vice-president of the Reconquête! party. He is a candidate for re-election in the legislative elections but fails in the first round.

He is the subject of a preliminary investigation by the PNF

In 2022, the Blois public prosecutor’s office opened a preliminary investigation into Guillaume Peltier, following an article from Médiapart: the media accuses the former deputy of having used public funds from the Assembly and the regional council of Center Val-de-Loire to finance its own micro-parties. The National Financial Prosecutor’s Office has indicated that it will take up the case in 2023.


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