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Stormy Daniels’ daily life since her testimony against Donald Trump has been unenviable

Last month, Stormy Daniels was called to the stand to testify against Donald Trump in a court that found the former president of the United States guilty of 34 counts. During the May 7 hearing, the former porn star reiterated what she has been saying since 2018.

Yes, she had an affair with Donald Trump in 2006, and yes he paid her to keep quiet before the 2016 presidential election. Facts now recognized by the courts, even if this recognition has everything a Pyrrhic victory for this woman who has been fighting for years against the former tenant of the White House.

Indeed, the one who despite herself became a champion of the #MeToo movement is at the end of her tether and ruined by endless legal procedures. Worse still, Donald Trump’s supporters make life difficult for her and it is not uncommon for her to receive death threats, as she explains in Stormya documentary directed by Sarah Gibson and distributed by Peacock.

There’s no question of giving up

“It’s a never-ending avalanche of court documents, trials and trial transcripts. If I had had all these legal bills piled up, I would never have been able to pay them,” says Stormy Daniel before emphasizing that she is now afraid of losing her house.

But the worst remains the inaction of the justice system in the face of the threats it receives. “The justice system failed me. He let me down in every way. He never protected me when I reported that I had been threatened or that someone had attacked my horse, and that is one of the most difficult things about this case,” continues this passionate about horseman who told the British press that he felt obliged to wear a bulletproof vest to testify at the trial.

However, there is no question of her giving up. “My soul is so tired. I don’t know if I’m really a warrior now,” she says again in Stormy. “I’m at the end of my tether. I won’t give up because I’m telling the truth. But I don’t even know if that still matters. »

Those who consider that women who testify against powerful men do so out of greed and notoriety may be wrong.


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