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Near Annecy, a 3.6 magnitude earthquake woke up residents of the region

Getty Images – Google Maps A magnitude 3.6 earthquake occurred near Annecy.

Getty Images – Google Maps

NATURAL DISASTER – And the earth shook. This Friday, June 7, between 12:25 a.m. and 7:03 a.m., the earth began to vibrate, a sign of an earthquake. Many residents felt this and were quick to share it on social media. In total, several tremors were noted but the National Seismic Monitoring Network (Rénass) indicates that the most significant took place at 6:36 a.m.

While the majority of tremors oscillated between 1.1 and 1.8 on the Richter scale (a tool that allows the intensity of earthquakes to be measured and numerically evaluated), the most intense climbed to 3, 6 magnitude. “ A thud “, “ a roar », the adjectives all testify to an earthquake which was well noticed, without causing damage.

The firefighters thus received “only one phone call received from people who were worried”, but there was no material damage, we read in an article in Dauphiné Libéré. We are thus far from the last significant earthquake for residents, that of 1996 which caused only one minor injury but a fair amount of material damage.

Study of the earthquake and testimonies

The French Central Seismological Bureau (BCSF) nevertheless states that around 186,000 people felt it. To arrive at this figure, the state body first determined its epicenter using its measuring instruments. According to them, it is located approximately 7 kilometers east of Annecy, in the Dingy-Saint-Clair sector.

The French Central Seismological Bureau has also produced a map where we observe the places where the inhabitants of the 45 municipalities concerned felt the tremors, and their intensity. The green circle represents the radius of the zone of inhabitants who could have felt this earthquake in a “weak” way (level III) and in blue in a “very weak” way (level II). The red star represents the epicenter of the earthquake.

BCSF Map produced by France Seisme presenting the area where the earthquake was felt (the circles) as well as the various testimonies collected (the points)


Map produced by France Seisme presenting the area where the earthquake was felt (the circles) as well as the various testimonies collected (the points)

On the map, we also observe various colored points. These are testimonies collected by the BCSF. Their color is determined by the level of real perception of the inhabitants, which is calculated from this table:

BCSF Here are the different intensity categories used by the French Seismological Bureau to estimate the perception of earthquakes by humans.


To enrich and clarify knowledge about this earthquake, a call for testimonies was launched by the French Central Seismological Bureau. It is available via this link. This procedure occurs as soon as an earthquake has a magnitude greater than 3.5.

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