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Doctors issue urgent warning to anyone who consumes the drink

Do you start your day by opening a can of energy drink to wake you up? This habit may need to be revisited. According to a new study conducted by the Mayo Clinic in the United States, these products could be linked to serious illnesses.

In fact, energy drinks contain two stimulants, caffeine and sugar. The caffeine level is between 80 and 300 mg, while a coffee contains 100 mg. Some also contain taurine and guarana, ingredients that may affect heart rate, blood pressure and other heart functions. Result: an increased risk of arrhythmia, or even cardiac arrest.

“We would be negligent if we did not sound the alarm”

American researchers examined the medical data of 144 patients who survived cardiac arrest after emergency treatment. The results showed that seven of them, aged 20 to 42, had consumed an energy drink some time before the life-threatening event.

Peter Schwartz of the Center for Genetic Cardiac Arrhythmias and the Cardiovascular Genetics Laboratory in Milan, Italy, says in an editorial: “ Critics might say these results are simply a chance association. We, along with the Mayo Clinic group, are acutely aware that there is no clear, definitive evidence that energy drinks actually cause life-threatening arrhythmias and that more data is needed, but we would be remiss if we let’s not sound the alarm “.

“There are better alternatives that avoid sugar and caffeine”

Beanie Robinson, nutritionist cited by The Independent, believes that anyone wanting to wean themselves off energy drinks should consider switching to sparkling water. She also recommends adding a squeeze of lemon, lime slices, cucumber or mint to still or sparkling water to give it more flavor.

She explains : ” I don’t think we should rely on energy drinks for energy. If you like an energy drink every once in a while, it probably won’t hurt you, but there are better alternatives that avoid sugar and caffeine. »


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