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Elections in the United States: will voters also condemn Trump? What several surveys reveal

Only three conditions must be met to be able to run for the American presidential elections: be at least 35 years old, be an American citizen and have resided in the territory for at least 14 years. Nothing prohibits a candidate who has been convicted by the courts.

As a reminder, Donald Trump was found guilty of the 34 crimes of falsification of accounting documents with which he was accused. The Stormy Daniels case represents the first criminal trial involving a former president of the United States. Sentencing is expected on July 11. Let’s not lie to ourselves, it would be surprising if Trump ended up behind bars. A reprieve, community service or a fine may await him around the corner. Justice is therefore not the candidate’s main problem. But his voters, yes. Will they condemn Trump?

Donald Trump survives his first electoral test since his conviction

The polls speak

A YouGov poll shows that 80% of Americans have not changed their minds after Trump’s conviction. 46% are still opposed to the character, while 32% still support him. 13% are unsure. Trump’s trial will still have tipped the scales for some voters. 5% of his supporters have changed their minds and are taking back their votes. But more surprising: 3% say they will now vote for him, even though this was not in their minds before the verdict.

According to another poll, conducted by ABC, a main concern of voters remains the economy. However, to manage inflation, the population would trust Trump more than Biden, by a margin of 14%.

The Morning Consult poll also shows several clear numbers about the state of elections, right now. Even after his conviction, Trump dominates – ever so slightly. According to this poll, 44% of voting intentions are intended for Donald Trump and 43% for Joe Biden. Very tight, then.


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