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In La Rochelle, a day to remember Xynthia • La Rochelle info

The Urban Community, the city of La Rochelle, the NGO Bleu Versant and Unis Cité are taking advantage of World Oceans Day on Thursday June 8, 2024 to replay THE Blue Trees at the avenues of the Mall on the beach side of La Concurrence.

Carried out in 2014 and 2023 along Allée Paul Virillo and in 2017 at the square de la Maison du Vieux-Port, the operation consists of materializing the water height reached during the Xynthia storm of 2010 and the level at 20 cm had on it, with a paint based on arboreal lime milk and natural blue pigment.

Imagined by the NGO Bleu Versant Blue Trees contribute to maintaining or reviving the memory of the risk of submersion by soliciting emotional strength and a very concrete connection.

What solutions

Meet from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. to participate in the event with members of the NGO Bleu Versant and young civic service volunteers from Unis-Cité La Rochelle, ask questions about marine flooding and discuss solutions. to provide in the medium and long term. A shared meal time is also planned between 12 p.m. and 1:30 p.m.

This year it will also be an opportunity to involve residents in a reflection on the vulnerability of the La Genette district and Parc Charruyer, while the Agglomeration community is launching a study on this subject as part of the action program flood prevention PAPI.

Storm Xynthia

On the night of February 28, 2010, storm Xynthia hit La Rochelle, causing marine flooding of exceptional magnitude which caused six deaths in the city and more than 280 million euros in damage. The extraordinary meteorological episode left a deep trauma that is still palpable today and fundamentally changed man’s relationship with his territory and the ocean. Three urban flood prevention action programs carried out by the Urban Community, the Intercommunal Syndicate of the Littoral Yves, Châtelaillon, Aix, Fouras and the Intercommunal Syndicate of the Littoral of Esnandes and Charron were implemented in from 2012 for an amount of €59.2 million including €57.5 million dedicated to the reinforcement or creation of defense works against the sea supported by the State, the Nouvelle Aquitaine Region and the Department of Charente Maritime.

Photo Muriel Martinet: the Richelieu campsite in Aytré after the Xynthia passage.


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