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Pascale de La Tour du Pin unable to host PAF, a flagship columnist from TPMP replaces her

This Wednesday June 5, 2024, around 6 p.m., it was not Pascale de La Tour du Pin who took the air on “C8”, with her show “PAF”. But a flagship columnist for “Touche pas à mon poste”. What is the reason for this last minute change?

Last year, Cyril Hanouna brought a new personality to C8. Namely Pascale de La Tour du Pin, to whom he entrusted a heavy task: that of animating PAFa new show, which precedes Don’t touch my post from Monday to Friday. A role that the journalist has mastered wonderfully today. She goes on air around 5:55 p.m. every evening of the week, or almost… Because this Wednesday, June 5, she was replaced by Valérie Bénaïm.

The latter, who over time became a leading columnist of TPMPexplained at the very beginning of the show that his colleague had “a tiny health concern“. To which she added: “It was just now, 10 minutes ago. Don’t worry, the doctor is with her, everything is fine, but she asked me to take over at short notice.“She should come back.”tomorrow“, she concluded, while specifying that she “a big thought for her“.

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As a reminder, unforeseen events of this kind have been very rare since the launch of the show last year. The most recent was just Monday. In order to balance the speaking time of candidates in the European elections, the channel had to urgently review its strategy.

“I wanted to tell you that it’s a bit of a special show today. You know that we’re a few…

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VIDEO “It’s a c****”: Skid live in PAF, Pascale de La Tour du Pin forced to intervene


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